May the Mist be With You, And May Your Glamour be Ever In Your Favor.

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Just One Thing:
Most of my other chapters took place in a certain room or place, but in this one, Winter and Hazel are just in a random alleyway.

(Hazel has her eyebrows furrowed as a she looks intently at the outside wall of a building.)

Winter: What are you doing?

Hazel: Nothing.

Winter: (giggles) Well, obviously you're doing simething. Are you mad at the wall?

Hazel: What? No.

Winter: Then why are you glaring at it?

Hazel: I'm not glaring at it.

Winter: Then what are you doing?

Hazel: (sighs) Using the Mist.

Winter: What's the Mist?

Hazel: It's this veil of magic that covers everything, and what I'm trying to do is warp it so you see something else.

Winter: Oh, so it's like glamour.

Hazel: What's that?

Winter: It's sort of like the Mist except it comes from within sort of. You're basically changing the frequencies if other people's brain waves to make them see, feel, or think differently.

Hazel: That's epic!

Winter: No, it's rude.

Hazel: What do you mean?

Winter: It's evil. People do it so they can have power over others. My doctoral step mother used it all the time on poor old Earthens.

Hazel: Oh. Wait what? Earthens?

Winter: Yeah. Only Lunars have it.

Hazel: Lunars?

Winter: Yeah. people who live on the moon. I'm one of them.

Hazel: Holy crapoli. There are people living on the moon?

Winter: Yes.

Hazel: And you're one of them.

Winter: Yes.

Hazel: Are you using your Powers or whatever right now?

Winter: (looks offended) No! I don't use glamor.

Hazel: Why?

Winter: Because it's evil.

Hazel: No it's not. It can seem that way if the person wielding it is evil, but the weapon itself isn't evil.

Winter: But I don't want to become evil by using it.

Hazel: I think that if you use it properly you will stay good.

Winter: I don't want to.

Hazel: That's fine. I'm just giving you my opinion.

Winter: Okay. (Walks away, and while Hazel is watching her leave she glamours her to hear a bird whistle a tune like the do de da do of the hunger games for a dramatic exit)

Hazel: (whispered to herself) Ha! I knew she could do it! (Uses the mist to disappear into the shadows with the Star Wars theme song playing faintly overhead)

Author's Note:
Yay! Another chapter. Please comment if you want me to write a chapter with a specific set of characters. I'm running out of ideas! Help me! Anyway, yeah. 📖

Random Question of the Chapter:
Whys is your favorite TV show?

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