chapter 2

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"(best friend)! Why didn't you bleach your hair!" they give you a sheepish smile as they quietly say 

"haha well, um you see.....i was kinda scared to bleach it" you look at them with daggers shooting out of your eyes and you smack them in the back of the head. 

"hey im driving! You want to get to the concert in one piece right?" all you said was "meh" and looked at your phone again to see if "andy" had messaged you back, you were about to put your phone away when he sent you 2 online backstage passes, that way all you had to do was show securety your phone and you and (best friend) could go back stage. When you finally get there you start walking to the stage just as andy walks on and you say to (best friend) 

"im'a report this freak as a fake as soon as this concert is over!" they nod agreeing with you when you hear andy "hey everyone! There is this really cool girl I met about a week ago and I wanna call her up on stage! (your name) please come up here and show the crowd what an awesome person you are!" (best friend) just stares at you then starts pushing you up on the stage, andy helps you up and strait up kisses you in front of the crowd. With that really hot grin on his face he says (in his sexy voice)

 "ive been wanting to do that since I saw your picture, will you go out with me (your name)" you were still shocked but you still had enough in you to say 

"as long as you delate your dating profile" and he promised he would, so you helped (best friend) get back stage and the first thing they said was 

"so how did his lips feel?" you decided that not telling them was best, and you decided that you would go to andys dressing room and maybe snoop around, just a little. Then the door starts to open and you hid behind the dressing screen (why he would hide his smexyness I don't know) then you hear his phone ring and he answers it and puts it on speaker 

"listen juliet I forgive you but im not gunna go out with someone who cheated on me" juliet didn't answer yet but you could almost feel that she was mad 

"im not calling to say sorry this time! I wanna know that little mother fuckers name, you know the girl you kissed on stage!" you felt bad but then you remembered, SHE CHEATED ON ANDY! (oh hell no!) you got out and took the phone away from andy 

"listen here you little bitch, andy doesn't need to tell you anything. You are no longer in a relationship with him so he doesn't need to explain anything to you, so the next time you call him I want you to imagine us together and you all alone! now goodbye bitch!" and you hang up the phone and relize that Andy was there and he said 

"soooo, why were you hiding if you wanted to see me shirtless you could've just asked. we are going out now remember, also thank you for that, ive just had a hard time with her lately and she wont give up." the way he said that made your heart melt and you kissed him and he was surprised at first but he quickly adjusted, by the time you too parted you were both out of breath and it knocked what little wind you had in you out when he gave you a crooked grin.

 "so wanna do that again" you were surprised because it was like he was reading your mind.


A/N oh my little andy x reader fans I love you so much, even though there is only like two of you but I do love you so I shall leave you with another smexy Andy picture, now my beauties I bid you adue. (no idea how to spell that)actually ill leave you 2.

o.k. if any of you actually looked at those then I have to say in the first one my heart melted and in the second one he looks like a warrior from a movie similar to mad max. does anyone agree? tell me in the comments XD

scene and punky (Andy x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang