chapter 3

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"well andy i dont think that right now we should be so close, i mean after all we just started dating" you wisper against his soft pink lips, you blushed and started to back away. you herd andy laugh a little and you turned around to face him again but your face was almost red from blushing so bad, so you smiled sheepishly and sneaked out of his dressing room. thats when you were confronted with a very nosy very interested (best freind). 

"soooo what happened in there?!" they practicaly screamed at you. 

"w-well i wa-was just t-talking and s-stuff" you could barley stutter out the words because the image of andy was still fresh on your mind. the way his lips felt agains your own was something you would die for! he knew just how to hold you, almost like you would break if he held you any different. 

"dont give me that shit! details details!! you arent gunna let my mind wander are you???" (best freind) said that in just the way that you could tell their mind was already wondering! 

"hey! dont jump to conclusions!" i nearly screamed at her but i rushed through the rest of the story

 "i hid behind his dressing shade when i heard him arguing with juiliet, haha thats when i got out from behind the screen and took andys phone and screamed at juliet-" before i could finish (best freind) was already yelling at me 

"you screemed at juliet!! what the fuck (your name) how the hell did juliet take it?! you know what dont tell me i just hope she took it to heart because any bitch who cheats on andy doesnt deserve a say!!" this is when i tried to finnish again but they inturupted you once you got to the part where you were talking about kissing andy. you soon found out they were not made to handle new like that because before you knew it you were being pushed back into andys dressing room to finish the job. 

"let me out!" you say as you franticaly bang On the door. You turn around and see Andy his shirt is off and his pants are laying low on his waist. You Could see his toned stomach as it led down to his pant line which was so low you Could Cearly make out his v-line. You blush as you think (your friend) might actually be right about "finishing the job". At this moment is when he decided he wanted to get closer, the closer he got the more you felt like he read your mind . 

" I would give anything to know what your thinking right about now" this Coment made you Nervouse and when your nervous you tend to twirl you hair around your finger.

 "and I swear to god (your name) if you dont stop twirling that damn hair around your finger....ill bite your finger" he wispered those last 3 words in your ear because he was now close enough to do so. His toned body was aginst yours, your body was against the door, and there was no way out of his next question 

"so what was that about" your face turned crimson at your freinds words. You were so embaressed you couldnt seem to look him in the eyes. His fingers brush the hair out of your face and they trail down to your lips, then your chin where he used his thumb and forefinger to get you to look at him 

"I asked you a question......if you dont answer soon imm gunna have to force it out of you" his eyebrow went up in a seducive maner and you thought that even though he was hot and you liked him, you were NOT ready for what he had in store 

"w-well m-my friend s-sent me-me back I-in here to-to........." you couldnt finnish, it was too embaressing. You let out a small gasp when Andy kissed you forcing your mouth open with his tounge, he used this opertunity to explore the sweet cavern, your mouth. He pulled away and said 

"keep going. Or do I have to do something even more Intense to you" your body was already buzzing, if he did anything else to you, you might jsut burst. So you did your best to finish 

"to finish the job" you said it so fast you almost didnt understand yourself. You took a quick look at Andy and you saw him stifiling a laugh 

"oh (your name) is that it? Is that all? You actually had me quite interested. thinking it was something personal. Let me talk to your freind, ill help you" a deviously,wicked grin crossed his face as he opened the door behind you. You both found (best freind) eaves dropping. 

"hello, you must be (freinds name). Im warning you now, pull another stunt like that one and your ass is grass, ok? Its her choice if she wants me to touch her not mine and especially not yours ok." he still has that smile. The one that scares the living shit out of (best freind). But when he turns to you he gives you that crooked smile you crave.

 "ah yes. My little 'fallen angel' needs a 'saviour'. Be careful, now if you will excuse me, I must change before the next meet and greet" you noticed he used some of the titles from his songs when he was talking when your friend says 

"he is so hostile. Lets hope he doesnt kill me with 'knives and pens' I bet he has the 'perfect weapon' picked out for me" they laugh thinking they were funny. But all you did was smack them HARD 

"you ruined that for me. he made it so sweet. Then you went and said that" you could've sworn you heard Andy laugh but when you turned around his door was still closed. you had the right mind to go in their though (sheepish smile)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh my dears. Thank you for reading this far. It means so much to me. And as I have before...... I leave you with another picture of Andy

 I leave you with another picture of Andy

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That v-line though (>///<)

when i get 50 reads ill update chapter 4

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