Chapter 3

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You grabbed your backpack from beside your bed and closed your bedroom door. You took your jacket from off the hangers and wrapped a warm scarf over your neck.

The cat was watching you intensely with his beady blue eyes. Just as you were about to open the door, he spoke up, "Where you going?"

Suddenly he was rubbing against your leg once more and you blushed. He was still shirtless and rubbing against you! Not only that, but he's a male!

You pushed him off you and hurriedly climbed out the door. Once outside you breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since this morning he's been crawling all over you and getting into your personal space. You couldn't even go to the bathroom without hearing him scratching on the door!?

You've already concluded that he's abnormal, but now he's definitely something else entirely.

Just when you were about to walk away, something caught on your uniform skirt.

You looked back only to find a hand sticking out of the mail slot on your door, his black claws extended.

"What are you doing!" you shrieked. The wind was blowing and with his claw caught on your skirt you could feel the air brushing against your bare skin.

You pushed your skirt down, which led to a small rip, and stepped back away from your door.

Stupid neko!

Mewing came from the other side of the door as you began to walk away. Large icy blue eyes stared back at you through the slot. Your heart panged and you bit your lip.

As much as it hurt to see that face on him, you had to let him there. He couldn't come to your school! He had cat ears and a tail for God's sake! Let alone clothes!!

"Cupcake..." he purred longingly.

"I'll be back!" you shouted and started running.

The school was about a ten minute walk easily, but you couldn't bare to keep hearing his mewing or see those big blue eyes.

True, he looks like a normal delinquent teenager, but he acts so much like a spoiled little kitten.

You arrived at the school gates in about five minutes. Bending over to lean on your knees as you panted.

You stared up at the tall building and rushed inside. time.

There was one more period of school left which was your English class.

You didn't know English very well, but you knew some so you took that class. You had to take some sort of language class to pass onto college.

You sat in the middle of the class, blending in smoothly. You didn't like attention at all, and being in the middle helped this. Sensei usually picked those in the front or in the back.

Suddenly the bell rang and class was dismissed. You sighed and packed your things up.

A girl skipped up to your desk and sat on it, crossing her legs and laying against you. "Y/n!!" she practically screamed.

You jumped up from her outburst as she laughed. This was Wakanabi Tsukiko, your best friend since the beginning of junior high.

She was the outgoing one of you two and you guys were almost inseparable.

You shook your head, a small smile playing at your lips. You bent down to retrieve your stuff which she knocked down.

"(L/n)-san? Your skirt is ripped!" A voice from behind you called out.

Oops, You're Mine (Neko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now