Chapter 16

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Two weeks had gone past since you had woken up from the hospital. There were many things that were different from what you knew, from what you thought was real.

Every time something happened or occurred that you knew shouldn't be, your muscles tensed and your insides churned. Your hands would shake and you'd stare blankly as you went into shock. But just as quick as it'd happen, it'd stop and you would be fine.

Tsukiko walked beside you, carefully lending you a helping hand whenever she thought you needed it. You smiled weakly and looked up at the small home before you. The outside interior looked the same as you remembered from your "dreams". Surely the inside wouldn't be so different either?

Wrong. Oh, so terribly, terribly wrong.

As soon as you stepped inside, well... Actually, you couldn't step inside at all. It was a cluttered mess. Stuff was knocked over and strewn about the living area. One thought came to mind, "Dammit, Kyo!" you cursed under your breath.

A second later, the door jerked back harshly. And standing in front of you was a tall, snowy-haired blonde with eyes as sharp as ice. His hair stuck up in tufts, like an all-natural bed-head, and a lopsided smirk graced his freckled face. "You rang, Cupcake?"

It was him. Your neko. Yet... He wasn't. He didn't have the fluffy ears that sat atop his head, nor the tail that swished behind him excitedly whenever he was in close range of you. He didn't have the protective longing look in his eyes either. It was Kyosuke, just not your Kyosuke.

Your heart sped up and you began breathing heavily. Your hands started to shake and your knees wobbled as you promptly fell to the ground in your doorway.

This wasn't right. It wasn't right at all!

A new voice suddenly spoke up from behind, "(L/n)-chan! You're finally back home!" You recognized the voice as Ikuto. Why would senpai be at your home?

There was a rush of running feet behind you and soon enough there were arms woven around your torso, pulling you snug against their chest.

If it was possible, your eyes widened and you began to shake even more. "I'm so glad to see you again." he murmured softly against your neck.

Tsukiko smiled gently aside of you as Kyosuke looked down at you indifferently. He sniffed and rolled his eyes, waving his hand as he sauntered back inside the home.

Ikuto never let you go as he swiveled you round to face him. He had small tears in his eyes and such a loving, adoring look on his face. Off to the side, a small white bear was tossed to the ground, fit with a pretty purple bow with a balloon string tied around its body.

"I missed you so much," Ikuto began once more, "and I know you don't like this kind of thing, but I can't help myself." He smiled at you and hugged you again briefly. "Don't leave me again, (Y/n). I wouldn't be able to bear being away from you ever again."

And then just as quick, his lips had taken yours in a soft, gentle kiss. It was so light, you barely even realized it. But when you did, your shaking intensified.

Your mind spun in circles, your vision growing blurry. Visions of lost memories flashed before you, threatening to suffocate your whole entirety.

You couldn't handle it; it was all too much. Nothing was making sense and everything was beginning to overwhelm you. Your mind shut down, your body growing lax.

And once again, you fell limp as the darkness surrounded you.

Hello, darkness, my old friend~ I'm not sorry. Cx

Anywhooooo. Not much to say this time around, so without further ado...

Until next time, my lovely kittens~ :3

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