chapter fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

“I’ll pick you up at five, okay, girls?” Jack said, leaning his head out of the truck window.

“Yeah, sure.” Alice said, waving.

They stepped inside The Farm, which is what was written on the mailbox that stood fascinatingly crooked-and-bended-but-still-doesn’t-crashes-to-the-ground next to the gateway. The gateway was made out of painted white wood, with ivy clinging and twirling all around it, giving it a little farm-ily look.

A man, the owner of the farm, maybe around sixty years old, stood at the porch at a small cottage that seemed to be the office of the farm. He waved at Jack, who waved back at him, and then he waved at Alice and Apple. They waved back reluctantly.

They walked towards the cottage, stepping slowly through the soft ground. Both Alice and Apple had brought boots with them, so as to not worry about getting mud or dirt on their legs.

“Welcome, welcome.” The farmer said smiling, chewing on a toothpick. “I am the owner of this farm. Ma name’s Talis Tavistock, but ya’ll can call me Talis. “He held out a big hand, which Alice took firmly in hers.

“Yeah, sure, can you show me the nearest exit? I think I have come to the wrong farm. This farm doesn’t have solid ground.” Apple blurted out shamelessly, shaking her legs. “I think the mud’s deep enough to drown people, or cats.”

“Apple!” Alice scolded. “She didn't really mean it.” This she said to Talis.

Talis smiled. “It’s okay, I understand her. People, these days,  don’t really appreciate things like this no more. I tell ya, ma’am, one day, there’ll be a day when there’s no freakin’ mud no more, and ya’ll be starving for some real meat but there's none to be taken, coz without them muds, those bacons ya’ll eat won’t be as good as it is now.”

Alice smiled. “I love the mud, actually. It’s good for the skin.”

Talis smiled, showing off his crooked teeth. “Well, c’mon in then. Won’t want ya to burn them beautiful skin of yours, don’t ya?”

They all stepped inside the little farm house. It was very cute and adorable, to be standing in a real English farmhouse.

“We’ll be touring this farm using the land rover, because this farm ain’t small enough to walk on your feets without breaking ‘em.” Talis laughed at his own jokes.

“The land rovers out there, waiting for you.” Talis pointed at the door. “I’ll be drivin’ it. And after that, if you girls want to walk around by yourself, then be my guest.” Again, he laughed. “Be my guest, get it?” he slapped his knees hard and continued laughing.

“What’s funny?” Apple whispered loudly at Alice.

Alice just raised her shoulders and smiled.

Soon, they were all out in the land rover, touring the farm all over. They visited the field where they planted vegetables, and another field where corns were sowed, which Apple was very excited to see, because the corns were all fully grown, ready to harvest. But it wasn’t gathered yet so the corns stayed there in their pods and swayed in the wind, giving anyone who watched them absolute pleasure of serenity. It was like watching waves at  sea, only it’s not water, it’s plants.

It took them almost two whole hours to finish rounding the whole farm. They stopped at the pig sty where Talis thought maybe they were interested to see the little piglets that had just been born a week ago. Apple didn't like the idea of going into the pig sty for the mud surrounding it.

They finally finished the tour and the last stop was at the horse stable.  Alice jumped off the land rover, her butt feeling rather cramped.

“Let’s see my cute little daisy, I'm sure you’ll like her.” Talis said, stepping into the stables.

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