chapter twenty six

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Chapter 26th

It was almost ten thirty when Alice gain conscious. Greyson had laid her on his bed again, while he waited beside her on a chair.

Greyson was asleep when she woke up. Alice looked around. She couldn't remember what happened.

Then Greyson woke.

“Alice! Are you okay?” Greyson asked concerned.

“I, I can’t remember what happened.” Alice squinted. Her head hurts. The throbbing was getting worse by the minute. “What happened?”

“Well, you ran, then you slipped and fell into a river, and I saved you.” Greyson said, worried that Alice might remember the reason why she ran.

Alice looked outside the windows. It was dark.

“How long was I out?”

“About fourteen hours.”

 “What time is it?” Alice asked worriedly.

“Ten thirty PM.”

 “Ten thirty?!” Alice panicked. “Oh, my god, Apple doesn’t know I'm here! Oh she would freak out!”

“I’m sorry I can’t send you back now. Its night and it’s not safe to be outside this house at night. You’ll just have to wait until morning.”

Alice sat still for a moment. Flash backs of this morning’s memory started to fill her mind. Suddenly, she remembered why she was running. She remembered Greyson's hurtful words. She remembered the embarrassment she felt.

Alice shot an angry glance at Greyson.

“You were the reason why I felled into the river this morning!” Alice flipped out.

“Wait Alice, I can explain.” Greyson pleaded.

“No! What’s more to explain? You don't like me, I shouldn't be hanging out with you, whenever I'm around you feel annoyed that I had to be saved all the time. Like I'm such a burden. Yes Greyson, I DO understand!”

“No, listen. It’s not that.”

“Then what?!”

Greyson sighed. “Its not you. It’s me. I'm dangerous.”

“Oh come on. Enough with that crap already! I know how to take care of myself without having people telling me what is safe and what is not! What is wrong with you people?”

“No, listen. People loves you, that’s why they don't want you to get hurt. They want you to be safe, and when someone loves something, they get over worried, even at the smallest matter. You may get angry with that, but you just have to know that it’s because of their love, that they want you to be safe.”

“Oh. I've never thought of it that way.” Alice whispered. Then she frowned. “But what does that got to do with you? You're not dangerous.”

“But I am. You don't know me Alice.”

“I tried to. But you were so anti-social.”

Greyson sighed. “I tell you there are things that are best for you not to know. I can’t have you coming up here. It’s too dangerous. Not because of the mountain. But because of me. I'm not a normal person, just another boy in your life. I'm dangerous.”

“Are you a vampire?” Alice asked hopefully.

“What? No!”

Alice sighed.

“Seriously? You really think vampires exist?”

“Well, you said you're not a normal human.”

Alice In Grey (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora