The Bump

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  Today was the last day of school and then summer break! Though I love school it gets pretty stressful sometimes and it's good to give my brain a rest. Going to school today was pointless. Basically all we do is go from class to class and have a free day. Boringgggg. I would much rather be doing worksheets or solving complex problems. But I was definitely not messing up my perfect attendance just because I was going to be bored for one day.

  "Honey, time to go" Dad yells at me snapping me out of my thoughts.

  "Coming," I yell and laughing afterwards because he's still getting used to having to wake me up. Mom left us for some 20 year old boy and Dad's having a hard time adjusting. He was never a person who liked change. He liked order and things being in their rightful place. I take after my dad. Everything has to be a certain way and that's how I like it.  I grab my backpack and slide it over both of my shoulders walking steadily down the steps. When I enter the car I slip into the passenger seat and see a note on the dash.

Sorry honey you will have to drive yourself to school. There was an emergency at work. I'll call you later and explain. Have a good day!

  Of course. He always does this. Out of the blue maybe once or twice a month he leaves a note about his "work emergency" and is gone for at least 3 days. I don't believe that it has anything to do with his work but, I don't question him because he would just change the subject. With all the stress he has to deal with, being a single Dad now and all. I don't want to ask too many questions because it will make him upset.

  School is only about a 5 minute drive from my house so by the time I have analyzed the note. I'm already there.

I quickly slide out of the car making sure to lock it and walk into school. When I enter the building the smell of body odor, hair spray, and a mix of cologne and perfume engulf my senses. Just one more day Serenity. You can do this. I tell myself while pushing through the herd of animals that is blocking my locker. I mutter small 'excuse me' or 'I'm sorry' 'please move'. But this does nothing to phase the animals that are surrounding me so I push through using my small body to slip through gaps in between them. When I finally reach my locker I hang my backpack on the hook and grab a pencil while closing my locker all in one movement.

  I finally push through the crowd of brainless teenagers and make it to my first period. After the bell rings the teacher walks to the front of the class and begins giving instructions.

  "Due to the fact that your teachers have no work for you today," she begins. "All of the teachers decided you will be staying in your first period all day until you go home."

  I hear a chorus of huffs and puffs, people cussing. Though this is not my favorite class at least the teacher is strict so it won't be a zoo in here. Knowing the fact that it's going to be relatively quiet I grab my phone out of my pocket and open the current book I'm reading. I would much rather be reading a hardback book, but at least I won't be bored the whole day. I space out from the world and begin to enter a dystopian world where everyone is perfect and suddenly I am too.

  The last bell rings signaling the end of the day. I slip my phone back in my pocket and rush out of the room quickly trying to get out before the crowd does. Fortunately, I make it to my locker pretty quickly and manage to grab my belongings. I have my eyes set on the door and my heart set on the fact that I'm going to be at home reading all summer. I feel something hit my shoulder and the floor begins getting closer and closer to my face. My glasses are knocked off my face and I struggle to find them. I feel a firm hand grasp my own and shove something into my hand. As soon as his hand leaves mine there is a warm tingly feeling where our skin touched. With blurry vision I look down in my hand to see my glasses and a white fragment of something I can't clearly make out. I put my glasses on and realize that the white fragment is actually a piece of paper. I open the crumbled up paper and see writing that reads.

  Call me 270-123-785

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