The Movies

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  I woke up to no tv playing downstairs, no sound of dishes clanking signaling that Dad was cooking breakfast. I figured he would at least wake me up to say goodbye but, as always, he seems to let me down. Glancing at my phone I saw that it was already 11:38. Dang had I slept in late, I drag myself out of bed remembering the date-wait not the date. It was definitely not a date. How could I believe or even think that even for a second that it was a date.

  When I finished getting ready for my lazy day that contained nothing but my get together with Ashton tonight, I decided to text Cassidy.

  Me- Hey Cas

  I knew she was probably not up yet and wouldn't be for a while but who doesn't like waking up to a text. When I walked downstairs to fix me a bowl of cereal I saw a note and an envelope sitting on the counter. I bet it's from Dad.

  Note- Bye sweetie, hope you have a nice month of freedom. Look in the envelope it's all you need to survive for your month surviving alone. Love Dad.

  While opening the envelope I noticed that it was pretty thick and had to be containing a lot of whatever it was holding. Money, it was a humongous stack of one-hundred dollar bills. One..Two..Three..four..twenty-nine..Thirty. He left me 3,000 dollars for only one month. Score! Finally, I fix me a bowl of cereal quickly finishing it and crashing on the couch to watch tv.

  When I realized that I had been watching tv for almost 5 hours I convince myself to get up and be useful because I only had two hours until my da-get together with Ashton. The warm water ran over my body making me feel new again and I stood there for who knows how long until I decided to jump out. I pick out a nice white romper and left my hair in long natural waves hanging down my back. Natural makeup is the best way to enhance your face or that's what I think, so that's what I put on. By the time I finished it was already 6:30 which means I at least took an hour in the shower. I slipped into my car and starting it up driving off to meet my worst nightmare, Ashton.

  When I arrived he stood there by the ticket booth waiting for me with a blank face. It almost made me want to laugh that the schools 'bad boy' was waiting for ME. I approached him and when I finally reached him he gave me a smirk.

  "You clean up nice Arthor," Ashton compliments in a sarcastic way.

  "Where did you get Arthor?" I ask turning towards him and looking into his beautiful blue eyes. Wait, what? His eyes are full of sarcastic statements and hateful comments don't let them fool you Serenity.

  "Well, your last name is Arthroat" he begins. "So for short I call you Arthor."

  "Wouldn't it be Arthro?" I question him using logic to put down his stupid but cute, no just stupid nickname.

  "Oh, stop using your logic," he says putting on a smirk trying to cover up his mistake. "It's cute." The word cute in his mouth sounds like angels singing when it should sound like a snake hissing.

  We find our theater pretty easily and also find seats in the second or third row from the front. "What movie are we seeing?" I question him.

  "The Visit," he responds as if it was obvious. I groan expressing that I hate scary movies. I just get so well, scared. He lets out a small cackle and the movies begins. About 15 minutes into the movie I have my face buried in my hands and my eyes squeezed shut not wanting to see another second of it. All of a sudden I feel a strong hand wrap around me and I feel that same warmth and tingle that I did on the day I dropped my glasses. The hand belongs to Ashton but I'm so scared I allow him to engulf me in his arms. I bury my face into his neck and wait for the movie to end.

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