Truth or Dare

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  I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off and I jump out of bed to unplug it. No more alarms! No more waking up early! I cheer in my mind. There is no way I'm going back to sleep now that I'm wide awake thanks to my laziness last night. I grab my phone and look at the time. 7:04. On the screen it has a message from Cassidy and a missed call also from Cassidy. I decide to just call her back instead of responding to her text because once she knows I'm up she'll call me anyways. I dial her number and begin to have a flashback of how we became friends at the beginning of the year.

  She was walking down the hallway flipping her stunning Blonde hair. Flashing her beautiful white teeth. Then she stops, right in front of me. "I pick you," she said flashing her perfect smile.

  "W-what?" I managed to stutter out.

  "You're going to be my new best friend," she stated as if it was obvious. "I'm Cassidy Floyd"

  "I-I'm Serenity Arthr-" I stutter again being cut of by a certain chirpy blonde, Cassidy.

"I know," she explains. "I've been evaluating you to see how good of a friend you would be. You look as if you are a great choice."

"So now what?" I ask her dumfounded that this pretty girl wants ME to be her friend.

"Now we exchange numbers and go on adventures," she explains rattling off her number so I can text her later. Then she's gone.

She finally picks up on the third ring breaking me away from my flashback. "Hey boo, ready for our fun sleepover tonight?" she asks me though it's not really a question. I love Cassidy but sometimes she can be a little annoying.

"Sleepover?" I question.

"Yeah I called to tell you that I'm gonna go get some movies and then I'll be in my way," she informs me. Ugh! Now I have to get up and go get the movie room ready.

"Ok," I say. "I'm gonna go set up the movie room. Talk to you later," I say trying to get out of a long conversation with her. I'm already gonna spend the whole night with her so I'd rather just talk to her tonight. "Bye" I say.

"Bye," she exclaims and hangs up the phone. I finally drag myself out of bed minutes later and throw some grey sweatpants on plus a pac man t-shirt. After that I pull my hair into a high ponytail and head off to the movie room. When I get to the movie room I begin to set up the tents and start popping popcorn. After what seems like forever I hear a faint knock on the door.

"Coming," I yell because I'm sure it's Cassidy and she's very impatient. When I reach the door I swing it open and move out of the way so Cassidy can get through.

"I got The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, and my all time favorite Mean Girls," she tells me while running up the stairs and into the movie room. "Ready to begin?" she asks putting the disc into the DVD player. I nod my head in response to her and we enter the magic of Hollywood actors and movies.

After 6 or so hours of throwing popcorn, laughing, crying, and finally finishing each of our movies Cassidy suggests we play truth or dare. I agree with her because my eyes are beginning to get tired of watching the Tv. "I'll start," she suggest.

"No," I disagree with her. "I want to start." I say and she nods waiting for me to ask her truth or dare. "Truth or dare?" I finally ask hoping she would pick dare.

"Truth," she responds and all my hopes are diminished.

"Ummm," I hum in deep thought. "Do you like Ashton Bradly?" I question not being able to think of a good truth. The schools bad boy, Ashton, has everyone falling for him. Except for one specific person, me.

"Yes, well, he's cute and I'd totally date him but I kinda ship him with another girl," she answers and I want to press her further on who this girl is but I withhold myself. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say because I don't want her to bug me for picking truth.

"I dare you to call Ashton Bradly and you have to tell him your name and that's all," she says and then continues. "But, you have to wait for his response." she explains further and I sigh grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"I don't have his number," I exclaim hoping she will let me off the hook.

"Don't worry, I have it" she explains picking up her phone and scrolling through her contacts. "It's 270-123-785," she reads the number off to me and it sounds particularly familiar. I shrug the thought off and dial the number.

"Hello," I say when he answers the phone.

"Hello?" he questions. "Who is this?"

"This is Serenity Arthroat," I say quickly hoping he will hang up but to my dismay he doesn't.

"So you finally decided to call aye," he says confusing my thoughts and jumbling them up.

"Wh-" I begin to question before I'm cut off.

"Meet me at the diner over beside the coffee shop tomorrow at around 12:00 p.m." he says before hanging up. Then I remember how I knew that number. It was the one on the scrap of paper that I found when I fell on the last day of school. Should I stay home or go meet with him? I question myself but my eyelids are getting heavy and I soon fall asleep.

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