In Comes Aqua

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     I am Aqua Royale. I am the highest commanding officer within the entire Autobot ranks. The only person above me was our leader, Optimus Prime. Never did I know that I would be his sparkmate. He seemed way out of my league, but apparently not. It all started right after an important meeting.

     As I walked into the meeting room everyone rose and bowed to me. I repeated the gesture. After all it was a sign of respect. Then, as the door behind me opened once more, I turned around and bowed as everyone else to our great leader, Optimus Prime. He then repeated.

     "Aqua Royale," he said, coming to my side, "What is the status of our northern troops?"

     We turned to the circular table that showed the soldiers' positions.

     "We are making good progress with the aerial squads, but our land squads are having trouble breaking the barrier. We have had to send in backup several times already Sir, but we are still trying our hardest. I have been there twice, and very little progress has been made. It would appear that we have underestimated the Decepticons' forces."

      "That's what I feared, but I don't think we should back out. That would only let them gain land. Land that we cannot afford to lose. Let those troops know that there is a new order: We are no longer in the offense position, but are rather in the defense position. Stop attacking, and defend. We cannot lose this land."

     "Yes sir," I said as I immediately did so.

     After the meeting concluded Optimus said that he wouldlike to see me at his private quarters this evening. He needed to tell me something. I wondered what it was, but I brushed that thought aside as I went home.

     I had to be wary of the streets. No place is safe anymore. That's why my parents abandoned me. They fled the planet and took my younger sister. They told me I had to be the one to fight. I know it was a lie. My parents were wimps. They hated fighting, and they took my younger sister and not me for two reasons. First, they dispised me. I was all into the war effort. Second, my sister was young enough that she wouldn't remember anything. As they were trying to flee, their aircraft was shot down. I witnessed it crash, and I didn't look for the debris. I no longer cared about my parents or my baby sister. They were going to leave me to die. They deserved it.

     I walked up to Optimus's house and rang the bell. He quickly came and answered it.

     "Aqua! I'm glad you could make it," he welcomed me in, "Have a seat."

     I did so.

     "You have a wonderful place!"

     It was very spacious. A lot larger than mine. Then again, he is the Autobot leader, so he gets the best of the best.

     "I wanted to tell you something," he said, sitting next to me on the couch.


     "Well, I suppose you heard that Elita One and I broke up."

     "Yes, I did. Everyone heard."

     "That's what happens when you're famous, and I never asked to be. Anyways, I broke up with her because she was too demanding. She wanted me to herself 24/7. She was so self-centered and selfish, I... I just couldn't take it anymore. And, I have to say that, I've... had my... um... eyes on..." he trailed off.

     "Me?" I finished.

     "Yes, Aqua. Look, I've loved you ever since high school. I just never got to tell you because we didn't have any classes together and you were so busy at home. The only time I did have with you was lunch, but I was too shy to come out and say I loved you."

     A smile came to my face and I knew I was blushing. I mean, Optimus loves me? I've loved him since high school too! If he had just told me, then when my family abandoned me I would have had so much more time with him! But I mean, Optimus Prime, THE OPTIMUS PRIME, loves me? Agh, this is a dream come true!

     "I love you too, Optimus."

     He smiled immensely, "So, do you want to maybe meet somewhere tomorrow night? Or, I can let you stay here with me. What do you think?"

     "I would love to stay here!"

     "Consider it done."

     He and I joined hands.

     That is where I, Aqua Royale, come in.

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