Change My Life

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Anna-lee's POV


 I wake up to my annoying alarm clock reminding me that I have to go to school. I reached over and slam my hand on the dreadful thing. Well, I guess I gotta get up now....

 I hop out of bed and drag my feet to the bathroom. I turn on the water for my shower and strip off my clothes. I let the warm water cascade down my body as it relaxes me. I'm not ready for school. I'm basically a nobody that's only noticed by being bullied so you cant blame me for not wanting to go. 

 I finish up in the shower and wrap a towel around me. I pick up my PJ's and throw them in my laundry basket and grab a pair of proper clothes.

  "Come on Anna!! Let's go were gonna be late!!" My brother yells. I groan and put my hair up in a ponytail. I jog down the stairs and out the door to my brothers car. Yes, my brother can drive. His name in Chase, he's sixteen, has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes, he's 5'9ish and is the nicest guy I know in  the world. He's one of my favourite people on the planet, other than my parents of coarse, but that doesn't count. 

 It's a five minute drive from my house to the school. We sat in silence the whole way there, both of us not wanting to speak. As we pull up there's a bunch of stuck up waiting at the school doors. I wonder what for... Me, probably waiting to ruin my life... Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. I grab my textbook and jump out of Chase's car. As i walk up to the school I pass the group of girls and they just laugh.. That's all they did. They didn't hit me or push my books out of my hands. They just laughed. Ok...? 

 I arrive at my English class and I thought that i was the first one there but I assumed wrong. There was a blonde boy sitting in the spot that's usually beside me. He looked up at me, waved, then smiled.

 "Hello Ms.Ruth, this is Elyar. He moved here not to long ago..." Mr. Whatshisface says. ( I couldn''t decide on a name).

 "Hello...-" He began.

 "Anna-lee." I interrupted.

 "Hi, Anna-lee, nice to meet you. Has anyone ever told you that you are truly beautiful?" I shook my head... This is awkward. "Well it's true, all the other girls are caked in make up but your all natural. Naturally beautiful." He finished.

"Thank you..." I blushed.He's certainly nice.

 "OMG!! Is that Elyar Fox?!?!" A girl screamed. What? Is he famous? She ran up to him and hugged him, pushing me out of the way. Ouch...

 "Um.. Hello, could you please get off of me?" Elyar said. She got off and he lets out a huge breathe.  

"Can I please have a picture with you?" She begged. He nodded and she pulled out her phone. "Could you take the picture please?" She asked. I smiled then nodded. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her on the cheek. I took the photo and she blushed all 50 shades of red. I laughed to myself and she went to her class.

"So, are you famous or something?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled half heatedly.

"I guess you could say that. I've been on tour with The Vamps and The Wanted so I guess you could call me famous." He explains. I look at him confused, well i guess he's famous but not like world famous or anything.I don't know.

 Class starts and Mr. Whatshisface begins with his speech. Ugh...


Class finally ended, I jumped up from my seat and sprinted out the door. 'There's still the rest of the day you know' my mind tells me. I sigh and go to my locker. Next class...


I smile to myself. I really like art. I grab my pencil case, sketchbook, and take off to art. Yay, something worth doing in this place. Turns out Elyar and I have all of the same classes. I feel something weird go through my body.

I had a feeling...

Sam, (one of the group girls), grabs me by the hair and yanks me to her face.

"Stay away from Elyar, you're to ugly  and pathetic for him, he will never love you." She grits through her teeth. That's it. I'm done with her.

 " That's it! I'm done with your attitude! I can be friends with whom i want and i can do what i want without asking your permission! You and your pathetic little friends can walk out of my life, if anything you should get one because picking on people you think are weak is just sad! Wow, I would be surprised if Elyar would even talk to you." I screamed at her. she looked stunned. I took that moment to slap her.

 "oooooohhh" came from everywhere. Wow I didn't know they were there til now. She ran away crying with her little friends. Ha, turns out your the weak one. I walk away tall and proud.


 It's finally the end of the day and i van finally go home. Nobody bugs me or bumps into me. Wow I can finally get around without being a target. I go to my locker and grab my bags.

 "Has she been doing that for a while?" Someone asks. I jump back and slam my hand on my chest.

"Holy crap, you scared the bajeezuz out of me!". I look up to see Elyar. He looks at me sternly. "Yeah, she's bullied me for a long time. Why?"

 "I saw it all. How she grabbed you by the hair and old you to stay away from me. I agree with you, you have the right to be friends with who you want." He takes me side. I smile Proudly. Yay.


"If you want, I can take you home?" He offers.

"Sure! I just have to tell my brother...'

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah... Let's go."


 Thank you so much ma homies!!!

Hope you like my first fan fic about Elyar Afshari or Fox!!

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