Chapter 6:The Trip

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Ian's POV:

"I am not going to let you go by your self. "

" I'm not. I'll be with Melanie and Sunny. Ian I love you, but I don't wanna risk your life. Ian if you care about me you'll let me go with Mel." She said.

" Wanda, I don't want Mel to go. She may be strong but she is still human."

"Fine. I'll take Jared then." I didn't want her taking Jared.

"No. I'm going and that's final. What's so wrong with taking me Wanda?"

" I don't want to see you hurt, or killed. The thought of it just makes me sick. Please Ian just don't go."

" Ok. I'll stay.



Wanda's POV:

Ian was the one person I couldn't see dead. He completes me and being around him I feel human. If he was gone well, I don't even wanna think about it. I had to talk to Jared and Mel. I know Mel and she isn't going to take this easy.

" Hey Jared and Melanie, we need to talk. "

"Whats up Wanda?" Jared said.

"I told Ian he can't go and after much convincing he agreed. But he doesn't think Melanie should go either."

" I'm going, I have to go I can fight." Melanie protested

" No Ian's right. You need to stay. Melanie after everything we've been through I don't wanna lose you." Jared said.

" Kyle, Sunny, Jared and I are going. It's going to be a few days. So pack and get rest. We leave right before the sun rises."

Ok guys so they are short I know. But I'm reading the book again to get more ideas.

QOTD: if you could be any character who would you be and why?

The best answer gets a shout out!

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Until next time,


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