Chapter 9:

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Kyle's POV:

She would want me to be strong. I couldn't fall back into my old ways because of this. She was my love. And now she's gone.

To say I was not looking forward to this funeral would be an understatement. It seems like death has just become a part of our world and we can't get rid of it.

The worst part is that no one even knows who did this.

Jeb gave me a few days off work. With this time I've used it to find the killer. Sunny's murder will not go unjust.

And I think I know exactly who did it


There he was sitting with his innocent little "I didn't kill anyone" look. It disgusts me that someone could be that okay with killing someone.

Anger raged through me.

I grabbed him by his collar and threw him against the wall.

"What the hell was that for?" He said suprised.

"You and I both know what you did asshole. You couldn't get away with just killing one person. So you killed two. Why Sunny? She never spoke a word to you."

"Listen, I didn't kill your girl. I know it seems that way. But I was with Jeb when the gunshots went off. I swear." He said.

"Then I guess you get to live for another day. But don't think that I won't hurt your sorry ass."

I walked off and got dressed realizing that it was almost time from the funeral.


It wasn't your typical black attire funeral. It was awful. Laying the girl you loved in the ground all because of some wack job.

Everybody was weeping. Sunny was a light here. Wanda was a mess.

She said what she wanted about Sunny. Then it was me.

"Most of you aren't aware of the man I once was. I hated the thought of these things taking over our planet. But then I met Sunny. She wasn't like I thought she was. She had compassion and. A heart bigger then I could ever have. She gave me a new perspective on life. If she wasn't taken so soon then I would've married her. She made me happy. She changed me for the better.

Today has become an even bigger travesty because the person behind this is still with us. Or at least I believe he is. Now this is supposed to be about Sunny and it still is but her death should not go unresolved. We must stick together in order for this to end. Is this what has to keep happening before we realize that they are just like us? If you have even the thought of wanting to exterminate another race, you're just as bad as humans in past generations. We need to end this now before it gets any worse. Thank you."

And I stepped down. Nobody dared to say a word to me today.

Finally, some change might come.



Thank everyone for still reading this story. Honestly, I'm not feeling the book like I once did. I'm going to finish the book because I'm not a quitter but it's going to take sometime for me to get this book in order. Im taking summer classes to get ahead so it's alot harder. I promise to get this book together. My other book will still be updated as well. And if you're looking for a short story type, that's what it's going to be. Thank you again!

Until next time,


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