Chapter Four - Plane Trip

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Natalie's PoV

When we arrived outside the building, us girls raced inside and up the stairs. Our room is on the third floor and we hate waiting for elevators. Once on the level, we dashed down the halls and into our suite. For the second floor, it was quite a beautiful suite.

I strolled into my bedroom and pulled out my suitcases. Shoving clothes into the biggest suitcases then I walked into the bathroom and grabbed all my stuff in there. Before walking back into the room and placed them in my suitcase.

I glanced around the room to see if I left anything else. Then I spotted my iPhone, purse and the necklace Charles gave us on the side-table. It's an oval-shaped locket with a little key-hole in the middle and it also had a little jewel on the top of it. Rose's is a emerald, Tacey's is a moonstone, Kody's is a sapphire, Sofia's is a ruby and mine is a amethyst.

It is a simple but pretty object that Charles gave it to us last year. A successful year of being Girls Generation he said. He also said and I quote 'It holds something valuable and precious to all you girls. And when the time is right I will give you the key'. You know what, he still hasn't given us the key.

Sighing, I placed all the objects in my purse then dragged my suitcases into the living room. Tacey was already there, so I plopped down next to her and pulled my iPhone out. I did the usual thing and scrolled through tumblr, instagram and twitter. Tacey and I stopped looking at our phones when we heard a loud cry.

We glanced at each other before racing down the halls. She walked into Rose's room while I strolled into the twins room. "Nat, help me!" Kody screams trying to get out of the duvet she is cacooned in. "No help me!" Sofia yells sitting on her suitcase trying to zip it up. I didn't know what to do, so I started rolling on the floor laughing. "It's not funny" the pout and before I could respond Kyle and Prince burst into the room.

"What's ta- ahh not again" they say in unison before chuckling. They waltz over to Kody and started helping her out of the duvet. "Hey, where's Noah and Henry?" I ask them when they finished with Kody. "They're next door, helping Tacey with Rose's stuff" Kyle answers and I nod my head.

They walk over to Sofia and closed the suitcases with ease. "Pssh, I.. made it.. easier" Sofia says and we all rolled our eyes. Kyle and Prince took 2 of their suitcases and the twins dragged along the others. The rest of the group was already outside waiting for us. So we left the suite and hopped into the small elevator.

We got to the lobby and ran out the door. The girls and I waved at all our fans and realized the directioners had left. Yay, they must be gone already. But I was wrong when I hopped into the van. We all glared at each other for the entire ride.

Finally reaching the airport, we all jumped out as fast as we could and sped into the airport. "GIRLS WAIT!" Kyle shouts over the screaming fans. We all turned to him after waving to our fans and he handed us our tickets. "Management" he states and gave us an uneasy look before leaving. "So we are going on an actually aeroplane?" Sofia asks and we all nod confused because we always travelled on our private jet.

We all strolled down our gate and into the plane. Then I sat in my seat and realized that we were all split up. Staring at the other girls but they shrugged and sat in their seats. I turned back around and flipped through a magazine. "Excuse me. May I get through? that's my seat" a british voice says and when I glance up I glared at who it was. The one and only Liam Payne of One Direction is sitting next to me.

I got out of my seat and let him through. He huffed at me before sitting down and I reluctantly sat next to him. Then I peeked at the other girls seeing who they are sitting next too and we are organized by oldest to youngest. Rose and Louis are bickering. Tacey and Zayn looked uncomfortable. Niall and Kody are glaring at each other. Harry and Sofia are completely ignoring each other like Liam and I.

The plane finally took off and I obnoxiously chewed on my gum to annoy Liam. To what I can see, he's getting annoyed. But before he could snap at me, a girl about 7 years old stopped by our row. She was smiling and squealing like a fan. "I am your biggest fans. Can I have your autographs?" she smiles and hands me a notebook. Her smile gets even bigger when I signed it then handed it to Liam.

"Why is there facts about One Direction's pasts but when I look up all your names nothing comes up?" she asks and I didn't know how to respond. We all changed our last names so no one from our pasts could track us down. So rumours and lies that they might spread could destroy our careers. So we aren't Rose Phayer, Tacey Pierce, Natalie Wood and Kody and Sofia Clausen from Los Angeles. We are now Rose Sullivan, Tacey Martinez, Natalie Evans and Kody and Sofia Walker of Girls Generation.

"Uhm...." ahah I have something "it is a secret. Our pasts is something private and personal to us" I answer and she pouts. "Hey. When we are ready, we will tell you guys okay" and she nods. "You should go find the others" I smile and her face lights up again. She searches the area before sprinting off down the aisles.

After getting her notebook signed, she went back to her seat next to her parents. She cheery little face started mumbling about probaly us and showing her notebook to them. They smiled lovingly and listened carefully to everything she said.

Those are what parents are suppose to be. They are suppost to love and care for you not hate and mistreat you. They are should be there to count on and give you advice but mine didn't care and insulted me. Real parents are people I have never had.

A tear travelled down my face at those past memories and I turned in my seat, so I looked straight again. When I glanced at Liam and he was glaring at me but his face softened after seeing my tears. Furiously I wiped them away with the back of my hand then pulled my sunglasses out of my bag and putting them on. He looked curiously at me but I ignored him and tried to go to sleep.

I was awaken when the plane stopped and quickly I stood up. Then I ran oput the plane and walked into the bathroom. Checking myself in the mirror, I wiped away the dried up tears and fixed my make-up before walking back out.

I caught up to Kyle and everyone else who were waving at all the fans. Smiling, I waved at our absolute lovely fans. We all signed, hugged and took a picture with our fans before making it outside.

"Thank goodness" Kyle sighs before him, Noah, Prince and Henry squished us in a hug. When the others let go, I tightened my grip on Kyle. "I am always here if you need to talk" he whispers hugging me just as tight. After a moment we let go and hopped into the limo. Paris is such a beautiful country and we are staying at a Grand Hotel.


This is probaly a long chapter but hope you like it. I haven't written this much in like ages so yeah. Cheerio :)

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Tapita xx

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