Chapter Twelve - Punishment Time

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Niall's PoV

After our guards captured us, they dragged our heavy butts upstairs; I'm scared to say the least because guards looked absolutely pissed. But the weird thing is, the girls guards looked amused but was most probaly thinking of a punishment.

Once we arrived in mine and the boys apartment, they dropped us on the couch and took a step back. They crossed their arms across their chest and gave us a stern look. "So...." I trailed off, waiting for them to growl us.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Paul hisses, narrowing his eyes at us. "We wanted to.. have.. some.. fun?" Kody says, unsure if she should of or not but too late; they're just pissed off more.

"FUN!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT MANAGEMENT IS GOING TO DO. NO! BECAUSE YOU DON'T THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES BUT HOW TO HAVE 'FUN'" One of our other guards yells at us. We bow our heads in shame also not wanting to see their glares.

I glanced at the girls and they were doing the same but the amusement was still in the guards faces. Natalie trying hard not to laugh but telling by how red her face is; she's going to burst. Not even 5 seconds later, Natalie's laughter filled the room causing everyone to stare at her.

Tacey face-palmed, Rose shook her head and the twins slapped Natalie behind the head. "So you think this is funny?" Noah asked with a sly smile. The girls looked a little scared and kept chanting 'no' but he just shook his head; the smile never leaving.

"You girls punishment is, we are going to take every, single electronic device you have for the rest of the tour around Italy" he grins before walking out the door. The girls had their mouths wide open, staring at the other guards who just shrugged their shoulders.

"Girls, I think you should close your mouths or I'll have to put something big in there" Harry smirks, breaking the silence with a little humour. But Rose's reply was quite shocking.

"The only thing that's big, is probaly your ego" Rose scowls and glares at him. The lads and I burst out laughing when we saw his face. Absolutely priceless but we stopped and looked at the door that opened and Noah strolling in.

They began yelling and tearing up when they saw a bag full of electronics. "You girls will get them back when we go to Ireland" he promises and the girls scowl at him. "And by the way, Management called and said you're grounded" after he said that, the girls groaned things like 'not again' and 'I hate them'. Then I glanced over to Paul to see what is he going to say and he said exactly what the Noah did.

After disappearing out the door with our phones and etc, the room was left silent. "My babies" Kody whispers and the girls nod their heads; us aswell.

"It's getting late" I mumble before all the lads and I get up and leaving to our room. "Goodnight" I call out before changing and hopping in the bed. Wait; where's the girls sleeping. I shot out of bed and quietly but quickly walked down the hall.

When I got back to the living room, the girls were fast asleep. Kody taking a whole couch, Natalie and Sofia sharing the other while Tacey and Rose were on the floor cuddling a pillow. They looked comfortable, so I covered them up with a couple of blankets before going to my room.

Rose's PoV

"FINALLY!" I cheered loudly, waking everyone up in the process. "Rose, shut up" Tacey groans, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes; later followed by the rest of the girls and guys faint groans and whines. I roll my eyes before screaming "WE'RE GOING TO IRELAND IN LESS THEN AN HOUR AND I WANT MY BABIES".

When I finished my sentence, everybody stood infront of me with lazy smiles. I grinned before sprinting out the room and to next door (our guards room) and banged on the door; soon joined by everyone else. "What!?" Kyle answers the door tiredly and I slightly feel bad for waking him up.

"WHERE'S NOAH" the girls and I scream, the exact time the boys yelled "WHERE'S PAUL". He sighs and opens the door wider. We piled in before seeing Noah and Paul lying limp on the couches. Aww, last night wasn't that bad; all we did was play tag for about 2 hours because we were bored.

Suddenly, a smirk made it's way on Kody's face; oh no, not that look. She glanced at me before running and jumping on Noah. He groaned and tried pushing her off but failed because Natalie and Sofia hopped on him as well.

They smile in triumphant before getting off him. I giggled before turning serious and strolled over to him. "Where are they?" I demanded, holding my hand out for my stuff. He rushes out the door before walking back in with the bag. He handed us our belongings and couldn't stop squealing. Yes, I squealed for electronics; don't judge me.

I grinned and skipped out of the room. When I got into our suite, I turned my phone on and it vibrated like crazy, making me drop it. I bent down and picked it up to see a bunch of notifications from our fans.

After worshipping my phone for a little, I grabbed my suitcases and strolled to the car; where everyone else is. When I hopped in, the car sped to the airport. Hello Ireland, here we come.


I'm sorry if it's short and that I didn't update last week. But I'm going to update twice this week or today... maybe. I know it sucks but keep reading please. Till another time :)

Tapita xx

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