The prank

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Eren's P.O.V

Levi's staying over at my house tonight. Mostly because my parents aren't home until Monday, and because we wanted to talk about Levi's little idea he has.

I sat on my bed in baggy sweatpants and a greenish t-shirt, Levi was sitting beside me in sweatpants and a black baggy hoodie.

"Okay, so what's your idea you were talking about?" I asked Levi.

"Okay. You know how everyone in school is theorizing that were a thing?" I nodded. "What if we actually pretended we were dating for like a month?"

"W-what?" I asked. "Levi I didn't know you were gay."

"What? No, I'm not!" He tried defending himself. "I'm just saying that we could do it as a little joke. Like a prank on the school."

"I guess, you would do anything for a good prank." Levi shrugged.

"Hey, I like pranks. And this prank would be a pretty good one." I have to admit. It would be a good prank.

"But how would we trick them into thinking we're dating? we have to like...kiss..?" I felt a slight blush creep to my face when I said that.

"Well if we want to make it look real...then yeah." Levi said. "Is that a problem?"

"N-no." I stuttered. "I just...I've never actually kissed anyone..." I looked away.

"What a coincidence! Me neither!" Levi said dramatically. "Come on. How hard can it be?"

"I don't know.." I Mumbled.

"...well if you want, we can practice." Levi said softly. I looked up at him.

"Practice..?" Levi nodded. I was silent for a moment, then I nodded. "O-okay.."

Levi nodded and shifted himself so he was sitting in front of me. He took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I was shaking. A lot.

"Calm down Eren." Levi said as he leaned into my face. I leaned in slightly to Levi and our lips slightly touched. My face got really red and I was shaking more then ever. Levi must have noticed this because he grabbed my other hand tightly and leaned into me more, pushing me slightly backwards.

"O-okay.." I broke from the kiss and looked at Levi, who had a smirk on his face.

"See? Easy." He said and leaned back into the bed.

"Y-yeah..easy.." I mumbled and laid on the bed beside Levi.

"So how was it?" He rolled over and faced me.

"How was what?" I asked him.

"You said it was you're first time kissing anyone. So how was it?" He asked again.

"Err good I guess..?" I told him. Levi sighed.

"Go to sleep..." He said and faced away from me, pulling the blankets over us.

"Okay.." I said as I later on my pillow closing my eyes.

I would never tell him, but I actually enjoyed him being my first kiss. He said it was his first time but he was really good at it. Also, I do love Levi but just as a brother. Nothing more...
Next day

"Eren!! Wake up!!" I heard Mikasa yell to my room. I tried to get up but I felt arms  wrapped around me. I looked behind me and saw Levi sleeping soundly with his arms around me. What. The. Hell. Levi. I pushed the covers off us and felt a burst of cold air that immediately made me shiver. Geez my room was cold. Even the mattress on my bed was a little chilly. The only warmth I felt was Levi. I guess he got cold last night.

"Levi..." I whispered. Levi groaned and shifted a little. "Levi wake up the Devils daughter is coming."

"Oh shit..." Levi laughed quietly and sat up, yawning. "Hey your room is freezing." Levi said, stretching his arms. "I was cold."

"Heh. I could tell by how you were cuddling with me all night." I said while I crossed my arms.

"Hey, you were the warmest thing I could get my hands on."

"He got his hands on you!?" Mikasa yelled in the doorway.

"Err..." Levi pulled the covers over his head. " I'm not here okay?"

Mikasa pulled the covers off of Levi. "What the hell did you do to my brother!?" Mikasa yelled loudly at Levi.

"Oh geez, where to start.." Levi smirked. Mikasa glanced to me with anger in her eyes.

"He's just messing with you Kasa." I said

"Or am I?" Levi said putting his arm around me.

I was about to say something when my phone went off. I picked it up off my little table beside my bed and checked it.

"What's up?" Levi asked looking at my phone.

"Another post."  I show Levi the post and he nods.

"Whoever made these pics, I wanna slap them then high five them cause DAMN they're good at photoshop."

"....not the point but okay." Levi laughed.

"I'll just shut up now."

"You'll do more then shut up!!" Mikasa yelled. "If I ever catch you doing kinky shit to my brother, I Will slaughter you!" She yelled and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"Geez, she's scary." Levi said as he jumped out of the bed.

"Yeah. When she wants to be, she can be scary."

"...well we should probably get up." Levi said as he jumped out of the bed. I did the same and stretched out my arms. "So about that prank.."

I looked over to him. "What about it?"

"You wanna do it?"

I shrugged. "Sure I guess.."

"Yessss. School is going to explode on Monday once they see us" Levi said as he grabbed his bag and pulled out a new shirt.

"Yeah, it is..." I was nervous. REALLY nervous. What will the students think once they see us? I mean, I guess it shouldn't matter to me though since it's just a joke.

A harmless little prank....right..?

(I feel like I made the kiss thing too early... If I did plz tell me and I'll try to do better XP)

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