Chapter 6- Safety First

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I open my eyes to a white ceiling, and I'm pretty sure that's antiseptic I can smell. I look down to see I am lying down on a white bed. Why am I here again? As I go to sit up, I feel a sharp pain shooting through my head. Ouch. And then it hits me.

The fight. Cameron. Brody. I can't remember much from after that, I'm pretty sure I passed out. Where is Brody anyway?

"Hello," I say weakly, "Anyone there?" I hear footsteps approaching me, and I look up to see Brody coming towards me, with the schools nurse, Miss Lily following closely behind.

"Hey, you're awake," says Brody, relief washing over him.

"No shit Sherlock." I add, attempting to lighten up the mood. It doesn't work though, the frown stays put on Brody's face, refusing to budge as it taunts me with his presence. Just as he's about to reply, a feminine voice speaks up from behind Brody.

"Natasha, sweetie, how are you feeling, how is your head?," says Miss Lily, as she steps forward to get a better look at me.

"I'm fine, My head hurts quite a lot, but everything else is fine," I try to reassure her. I just wanted to get out of there. I just wanted to go home and have a nice long nap, and just drift away into the land of ponies, and fairies, and rainbows and-

"Yes, your head was hit hard, it will hurt for a few days, but it will be fine afterwards. I'll just prescribe you some medicines, and then you can go home and rest, okay sweetie?," she says, gently.

"Okay," I respond almost immediately.

Miss Lily strolls back over to her desk, to presumably write what I'm guessing is my medicine prescription. Once she's finished, she hands it to me, and then dismisses me. I try to get up carefully, but the pain in my head won't allow me to. When I go to try again, a deep voice says, "I got you."

Brody then saunters over to me, and lifts me up flawlessly. He then turns and smiles warmly at the nurse, before heading off towards his car.

"Erm, Brody," I say sheepishly.

"Yeah," Brody answers.

Nervously, I say, "Thanks for helping me today, and I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"It's ok, that's what friends do, right? And what are you sorry about, it's not your fault 'Man-whore of the jungle' has anger issues," Brody jokes.

I can't help myself ,and before I know it I'm laughing like a hyena on crack. At least now I know I can count on Brody whenever I'm in need of a good laugh.

Once we get to his car, Brody opens up the passenger seat, and places me down tenderly, almost as if I was fragile. He leans over me to grab my seatbelt, and until I look up, I don't notice the close proximity between our faces. My breath hitches in my throat, and fireworks explode all over my body. That's right, not sparks, fireworks. He turns towards me and our eyes lock. For a few moments, we just forget everything, like it's just us in the world. We stay in this position for a few more minutes, before the ringing of Brody's phone brings us out of our trance. He moves away from me, clips my seatbelt in place, closes the door, and then answers his phone.

Once he is seated in the drivers seat, he looks towards me, and says.

"I'll just drop you off at home, then there's something I need to go do, you sure you'll be ok on your own?"

"I'll be fine Brody, I'm a seventeen year old, practically an adult, stop worrying," I tell him, trying to reassure him.

It's like the school nurse all over again. "Are you sure sure sure?," Brody double checks. Wow. Nobody's ever been this worried for me before. They usually just ask me if I'm ok, then go back to doing whatever they were doing.

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