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Satanism is based on 4 things
Wisdom ,Freedom, Strength, Pride.

The day started by the buzzing sound of an alarm clock, the time was 6AM on a dark cold Sunday morning just a week before Christmas. Akasha slowly opened her eyes and groaned turning her head and looking at the clock "6AM why now of all days" she immediately dismissed it and rolled back over to sleep, she was awoken a hour later by the sound of her mothers voice "Akasha wake up you're going to make us late!" She was dressed in her finest Sunday outfit. She grabbed hold of her daughters legs dragging her out of bed and onto the floor glaring at her, Akasha rubbed her deep blue eyes and staggered to her feet just as her mother walked out the bedroom door.

She looked around her room, Plain cream coloured walls with a wooden floor, due to the harshness of how religious her family was, she didn't have much personal belongings only her blanket and a small stuffed doll she was given as a child named Lacy. Everything else seemed to be a nod towards their religion, bookshelves filled with books concerning Jesus Christ, God and why Satan wasn't to be trusted, a cross hung above her bed and smaller replicas of this dotted around her room, the only decoration she had was Christmas decorations after all it was soon approaching, Akasha grabbed her favourite white laced bra and undies slipping them on before her Sunday dress and making her way downstairs, her mother impatiently waited "where the hell have you been? We've been waiting for you! Hurry up" Akasha was grabbed by the arm and dragged to the car forced to get in, her mother rode shotgun while she was in the back.

The church organ began to play as the Benson family parked up outside, they stepped out the car Akasha's father straightened up his tie, the mother reapplied her lipstick and Akasha sighed while tightening up her silky burgundy hair. They opened the big brown doors leading into the church, everyone stopped and stared at them as they made their way down the isle, they managed to find a seat behind Grace and her family, Grace had been Akasha's friend since infant school, they would always be together right up until secondary, yet they remained good friends, Akasha tapped her shoulder and grace turned round smiling when she saw her life long friend "hey! How are things?" Grace spoke in hushed tones "I'm fine I suppose how are you? I've missed you" Akasha mother turned to her and whispered "shhh".
The sermon eventually ended a few hours later and everyone began to pile out of the church, the two young girls walked with each other and planned a place to meet later in the day.

12pm came rather quickly Akasha had changed out of her Sunday outfit tossing it to the floor, she chose to wear her red and black checkered shirt with skinny jeans, she put on her regular shoes and bolted out the door heading past the shops to the local park. She stood around waiting for her friend when all of a sudden she felt something jump on her back "AHHH" she screamed as she spun around to see Grace standing there, Grace giggled and they hugged for a moment before Akasha asked "so how is things? How's school? How's..well everything??" Grace smiled "schools good, such as is everything else" she smiled "I've got myself a boyfriend" Akasha gave a half smile and looked at the floor. "So, tell me Asha how's your life going? Met any cute guy in your life?" Akasha raised a eyebrow "you know mother wouldn't allow boys in my life like that!" She sat down on the bench with a sigh her head hung low. Grace looked at her, a concerned look across the girls face, she sat down beside her and placed her hand over her back "you lied to me back in the church didn't you? you're not okay that's clear to see...what's wrong?" Akasha looked at Grace tears almost forming in her blue eyes "it's nothing important I just...don't feel it" Grace looked puzzled she brushed her blonde hair back "what do you mean you don't feel it?".

"I don't feel I belong there in that church in that religion any of it! I can't stand the sight of the cross, I don't want a part of it! I'm scared, i-i don't know what to believe in or do" tears formed in Akasha's eyes as she realised what she had blurted out, she saw the confusion in Grace's eyes, Grace didn't say anything instead she just hugged her best friend tight.

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