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25 December 2015
It's CHRISTMAS! I've been excited for this day, it's one of my favourite holidays, but it's been on my mind, why don't I feel the same? Why am I different? I don't see God the same way as they do...I don't unders--- "Akasha! Lights out in 10" her mother called up, 11pm was the standard bedtime in the holidays. Akasha finished writing in her new black leathered diary something she got for Christmas setting it down on her bedside table, as she turned off her bedside light, her phone began beeping it was Grace:

Hey girly! Remember what you said about not feeling like you belonged at the church? Well how about this: https://zalbarath666.wordpress.com" she looked at the link wondering wether or not to press it, one hand she wished for something she felt she belonged to but what of her family....what if they didn't accept her. Despite her fear she clicked on the link sending her to a page with a picture of the Baphomet. The page was immediately closed a following reply back was created.

"what the hell Grace?! Satanism...You've got to be kidding me, he's evil he's everything sinful in the world"

"I'll explain in person meet me tomorrow, my house?"

"No! Tell me now, why send that?"

"Trust me this is something better said in person please? meet me?"


7AM the smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the house, Akasha let out a soft moan and stretched, she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, swinging round planting her feet on the floor, getting up and pulling on her polka dot dressing gown. Slowly she trudged downstairs walking along the cold kitchen tiles. Martin , her father, was sat reading the daily newspaper as he heard his daughter walk in "so..you're 16 soon any idea on what you want to do about work, or college?" He asked setting the paper down, there was a pause followed by a shrug and a simple "I don't know" Akasha looked down and picked at her food before looking up "can I go and see Grace today mum? She's invited me over needs help with something" Her mother, Lisa, looked up "help with what exactly?" Akasha paused for a moment she didn't expect her mother to ask a follow up question "oh just some church stuff, she's applying to be the church organiser at her school and wants to be prepared for when she goes back" her mother smiled and said "oh well then by all means go ahead." A huffing  sound came from Martin as he mumbled something under his breath "what was that dad?" He looked up " that girl is always a good kid why can't you be like that?" Lisa glared at her husband, he looked back "What? It's true she never does anything to help the Lord reach us, never spreads the truth" Akasha slipped away while her parents argued, she wandered upstairs to shower, turning on the water on and stepped in, washing her hair and body before shaving. 15 minuets later she stepped out and walked along to her bedroom to get ready.


Grace didn't live too far away, just on the opposite side of GlennWood Park, Akasha had fond memories of spending her summer days here with Grace, either going to the fair when it was in town or just relaxing in the playground. She slowly walked through the park watching a bunch of teens no older then herself muck about on the swings, jumping off, teasing one-another and drinking a few beers. She continued to walk her hands in her jean pockets, she decided not to bring a jacket as some sun was shining at least.

She soon arrived at Grace's house, 34 Beckhill Drive, and rung the door bell, it was opened by a tall man with brown hair, green eyes and a muscled build "hi..is Grace there?" Akasha asked sheepishly. He looked at her before turning his head and calling out "BABE!! She's here!!" He invited her inside where she made her way to the sofa and sat down waiting for Grace, the young man went back to his gaming chair to finish off his game. Grace's sitting room always looked posh and fancy, creamy white walls with a flatscreen TV above the fire place and a few sofas gathered around paintings and portraits filling the room.
Grace eventually came down wearing a black shirt and pants, she looked at Akasha "I'm glad you decided to come, I see you met Ash" Ash peered his head round the gaming chair and rose his beer can in acknowledgement, she grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to her room, it was the same as always, light purple walls, black sparkling shelves, plain white ceiling with a black lampshade over the ceiling light and a greenish floor. But Akasha couldn't help to notice a black stand, a stainless steel bowl in the middle, the stand cutted to size so the bowl could fit nice and snug sunken in slightly, black candles flickered away, a little black book rested on the side with a ballpoint pen on top, and above hung a banner it was black as night a thin red line running around the edge on it a large red pentagram. Akasha's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe it! Her friend a...a..Satanist! But she was at the church why? How could she? He's evil? Her mind raced with all sorts of questions. Before she could say a word Grace spoke "It's exactly what it looks like but believe me what you know of him and this religion isn't true, what the bible says doesn't add up yet He does" Akasha couldn't speak her face and skin was pale as if she'd seen a ghost, she sat down on the bed looking at the floor.

Grace came over and sat next to her friend putting her hand on her back "a-are you okay?" No response from Akasha, "Asha? you're not mad are you? I'm not trying to force you, just think it may be a way out like it was for me" Akasha's mind kept racing, so many questions but she was scared, she gulped and took a deep breath mustering up the courage "h-how long have you been like this?" "2 years, I'm sorry I didn't tell you in that time I was scared that you wouldn't accept me" Akasha looked up at Grace "I-I'm sorry for acting this way it's just, I've grown up with knowing of him being evil yet here you are saying otherwise, I don't know what to believe, I want to believe you but 15 years compared to someone's word of mouth..." Grace got up and went to her bookshelf grabbing out a small black book passing it to Akasha, "Read it when you get home, it's the first book I ever got it cleared my mind of all sorts of things" She read the cover "The Left Hand Path" was the title, a infinity symbol at the bottom in red with what could only be the handle of a sword like shape above. "Uhhh thanks I guess I'll read it later"

Midnight struck, a restless Akasha remained wide awake staring up at the ceiling, end of the day thoughts and all that. after all finding out your friend of 12Years worshiped the devil! The book was on her desk untouched since she got home. Akasha sighed and rolled over closing her eyes trying desperately to fall asleep but to no avail, she flicked on her lamp light and stared at the book, could it hurt? To just look? To read a few pages? It's not like a full on commitment. She crept over quietly and got the book sneaking back into bed opening the cover and those first few parts till it got to the first proper page.

'Satanism is a umbrella term for someone who worships and believes in Satan, yet there are many different belief systems, such as Laveyan which take on a more atheist point of view, seeing Satan as nothing more then a image of power. There is Altho Theistic satanism which take on a more religious approach seeing Satan as a real entity. I personally fall under the theistic side. Like I said we see Satan as a entity such as his "demons" we are similar to Wicca in the sense some of us use witchcraft and all sorts of Darker magic compared to light such being The Left Hand Path.'
Akasha put the book down and thought for a moment, so much of this was well thought, she expected it to be a cheaply made book forcing you from the start into why it was the one true religion, and telling you all these rules as she often found in the Christian books.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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The Left Hand PathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon