Chapter 1: Why did I ever get it?

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A/N- Hi guys! This is my first ever story on Wattpad and I hope you like it.

P.S- all these characters are out of my imagination.

Rating: suitable for all ages :)



I had bought the mirror at the old town market. I laughed as I read the claim on the box. It was too ridiculous. Yet, the old man at the stall said that it would actually work. It was all a big load of rubbish. I would never have bothered with it, had I not desperately wanted to be someone else.

Even the instructions on the box seemed ludicrous. "Hang the mirror on a wall and gaze into it on a full moon night....."

I shake myself back into the present. There is no time to look back. I have purchased the mirror and I am going to use it. I gaze out of my window. I am blinded by the moonlight.

The time has come. Looking into the mirror, I brace myself. What is happening?

This is the most unhuman thing anyone would have ever done.

My features change slowly until I turn into one person I definitely don't want to be glares at me.

I rush over to the box in which the mirror had come. I peek out in between my closed eyes, OH NO!! It says that the person you change into will turn into you.

Does that mean that JESSICA HOLLISTER has turned into ME????? What am I going to do? Nikki Stolls is a coward, a puny little midget as compared to the school's most popular girl and bully, Jessica.

STOP, I tell myself. It's no use freaking out. I have to treat this as a maths sum. I can only get answer if I use my head.

EUREKA!! That's it! I shall explain all of this to her and, hopefully, she'll understand and w-w0-ork with m-m-me. Time to sleep.


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