The Princess Diaries (Book 1)

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One of my favourite authors would have to be Meg Cabot (although this could be debatable. So many good authors!), I mean who doesn't love good, old princess Mia? Not to mention all the other amazing books she also wrote but we won't go into that for now.

At the beginning of the book we meet a teenage girl who seems to have a hard time expressing herself and isn't that well known by anyone at school. She soon discovers from her 'Grandmère' that she isn't simply Mia Thermopolis, her name is Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo. 

This gets her unwanted attention from the press however, she also gains interest from Josh Richter (her crush)! What she didn't expect to happen was to have a fight with best friend, Lilly Moscovitz. I personally hated Lilly's bossiness; they are best friends and should be treated like equals yet Lilly treats Mia disrespectfully! No! 

Lots of drama but in the end Mia gains a new friend for life, Tina and a new crush who isn't as arrogant as Josh Richter (Never liked him; so full of himself! Bye!)...

Anyway...not gonna spoil the rest of it for you so if you're intrigued read the book and let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Oh, and if you've already read the book then let me know in the comments section! Until next time!

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