My Sexy Kidnapper

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Ok! This book is the bomb! At first I was a bit skeptical but as soon as I started to read it, I knew there was no going back and I wasn't going to regret it.

Picture this: You enter the mall with your friends, and as you're making your way to buy a delicious strawberry smoothie, you notice a guy walking towards you. Not just any guy, but an Abercrombie model worthy guy. As he comes closer, he gives you a heart stopping smirk, then takes you by surprise. He pulls you into a headlock, jabs a gun in your temple, and runs away with you. Now had this happened to any other girl, they'd either go all ninja on this little mother hubbard, or they'd cry and avoid contact as much as possible. Then there's me. Call it Stockholm Syndrome if you want, but something about this kidnapper is very intriguing and I find myself growing closer. Are kidnappers normally this charming and fun? Find out if I, Skylar Jones, end up dead in a ditch somewhere, or end up helplessly falling in love with this broken, crazy yet sweet kidnapper.

So what do you think? Sounds good doesn't it? As always, please take some time to comment and vote if you've liked the suggestion

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