-British Drama-

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This time when the bell rings I wait to get out of my seat to avoid being pushed and shoved out of the classroom. When I get up and exit into the hallway I reach to pull my schedule out and while searching for my next class I bump into someone. "oh im sorry" I said feeling like a complete jackass. When a pretty tall brown skinned girl with a long curly afro turned around to say."No problem, but watch were your going" Being the dork I am I stuck out my hand to greet her, she kind of gave me a confused look but eventually got the point and shook my hand. "Jazmine" she said "im Jazmine" oh im Samantha, or sammy I replied, she gave me smile before picking up my schedule which I didnt even noticed I had dropped. "Here sammy" she said handing me my schedule. "Looks like you have drama next, do you know where the drama room is I have it 6th period I could show you?" Yesss please I said not wanting to be tardy and the new "drama kid". We dashed through the halls and she led me to what seemed like the end of the school, we stopped in front of  two double doors with the comedy and sadness masks painted on them in the school colors which where white and gold."well sammy I would love to show you around  but my class is three halls down, she started to turn around before looking back at me smiling. She's nice I thought before pushing one of the large doors open.I stepped into the drama room which was almost as big as the cafeteria. Wow I said in amazement as my eyes wondered the room taking in all the props, stage quotes, and kids.., there are alot of drama kids. "Beautiful isnt it?" I heard a deep voice say from behind me. I jumped like mouse, then quickly turned around. My eyes were blessed with the sight of a tall man, about 6'5 dark brown hair, and almost transparent blue eyes, he had a jawline sharp enough to cut thanksgiving turkey, and a smile for the red carpet, he smelt hella good too. Hello I am Samantha or sammy which ever you prefer mr..??? "Yes darling I am Mr.Wilks" My knees nearly buckled when he spoke I hadn't noticed it before but he had the thickest British accent I had ever heard. He extended his hand to meet mine and I was almost to shy to shake it seeing that this man looked like a god and I looked like hell on wheels, but despite my inner prude I shook his hand firmly trying to impress him." You've got a rather strong hand love"...Tha..thank you Mr.Wilks I said trying so hard not to blush because he called me "love" in that adorable accent of his. "Welcome to theater, or drama which ever you prefer. Here the only rule is be original and be on time, follow those simple rules and we will have a great year, got it?" Yes sir I said being the little hoe that I am imagining him as one of those pedophile teachers who builds "relationships" with students. "I think I'll grow to like you Samantha, maybe you can be my new teachers assistant" I would be honored to have the job, I replied sounding like a broke bitch applying for Mcdonalds. "Seat anywhere you like, and get to know your new drama family, if you need me I'll be in my office love.", and with that my angle descended into heaven or is office occasionally checking on us from his window. I know im gonna love this class I thought already eager to become an active member of drama club..ahh until next period we shall see what awaits.

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