Ms Griffin

18 2 4

"Daniel, I request your presence in my office now."

Her voice sounded over the intercom in his office. Gulping, he wearily stood up and fixed his sweater. Hearing her sultry voice made him feel hot all of a sudden and his cheeks flushed at her saying his name.

He could not believe himself. Guilt invaded him at that moment because if the feelings he had towards his boss.

Knowing what would happen in her presence, he quickly tied his jacket around his waist. The sleeves would hide his manhood that was sure to rise.

Ms. Griffin did that to him.

He walked outside his office and to his boss's. Working as a PA for Amira was very demanding and she had him on his feet many hours of the day.

But he loved his job.

"Yes M-Ms. Griffin-n?" He often stuttered around the beauty. She made the young boy sweat and toungue tied.

"Daniel," She said with a certain precision to her tone.

"Yes m-ma'am?" He could feel the heat of the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"I want you to get down on your knees."

"Huh?" His heart dropped. Was he hearing this right?

"I said I want you to go down to the 8th floor." she breathed out a tired sigh while rubbing her temples.

"I need you to retrieve a package from Veronica for me"

"Oh, okay. Yes ma'am." He turned around and headed out his boss' office while scolding himself for his dirty mind.

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