Timmy's Not Old

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Foreword: This is still very much a work in progress. As such I would greatly appreciate all forms of help.

Timmy was scared.

His parents would assault him.

His parents would batter him.

He wasn't perfect you see?

Timmy had a twin.

Timmy's twin died.

Mommy blamed Timmy.

Daddy blamed Timmy.

But he knew what to do.

Timmy knew he was older.

He knew older was bad.

So Timmy thought

"How to get younger"

Timmy thought

And he thought

Then he knew

So he got to work.

911. What's your emergency?

My son! No sons legs are gone!

Timmy was in pain.

But it was okay.

He finally got it.

Timmy's not old.

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