Chapter 12.

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I have to go grocery shopping today 'cause we have absolutely no food in the house and I can't have my babies starving. That was the first thing on my to-do lost for the day, the next thing was to go talk to this woman about a building I'm trying to buy so I can finally start my boutiques. Then I have to go to my photoshoot I have booked for 8:00 tonight. It's going to be on a beach in front of the sunset. That's why it's so late in the day.

Jacques wasn't home but I didn't even bother to call him to see where he was. I just got up and got my day started. Me and Daya were almost dressed alike in our jumpsuits. Hers was a light blue and mine was a light pink. I stopped at McDonald's for us to get some breakfast and then we headed to the grocery store.

I picked up mostly snacks and stuff for things like tacos, hamburgers, chicken alfredo, etc. We went to the lines up front to check out and get out of here. I hate grocery shopping so I try to make it as quick as possible. I sat Daya in the car with her seatbelt on while J pit the bags of groceries in the trunk. As I'm putting the food away, i get a phone call from my modeling manager. "Hello?" I answered, still putting bags away.

"Hey Asia, I have some really good news." She told me. "Really? What is it?" I asked.

"I booked you a modeling gig for the famous fashion line, Chanel." She announced to me.

My heart almost fell out my butt. "Your lying." I plainly stated. "I wouldn't lie to you about something that big and important." She told me.

"Now, the gig is a runway show modeling new clothes she's presenting to the public for the first time. Asia, do you realize how big this is? This could be your big break. This show could change your life forever, you do know that?" My agent preached to me.

"Yes, yes I hear you Amanda. I'm so excited about this, I can't believe you did this. How did you do it?" I questioned her.

"I can't tell you my secrets now. Just know I know a few people who can pull a few strings here and there."

We both laughed. "Ok, well when and where is this runway show going to be?"

"It's July 17th. It will be located in New York, New York but you can do all of your training before the show here at home. You'll have to fly out to New York at least a week before the show for practices. Is that okay with you?" She asked.

"Yes, that's perfect. I'll get to training as soon as possible. Just email me the rest of the information and I'll get back in touch with you." I told her. She agreed and we hung up. By this time, i was half way home. Then, here goes Jacques calling. I left the house at 10:00am and it was now going on 1:00pm and he finally decides to call. "Hey." I answered. "Wassup." He said.

"Where you been?" I asked. "I had some things to take care of this morning. Where you at?"

"I'm pulling up in the driveway right now. Come get these bags out the trunk." I told him. He hung up and came outside right after to help with the groceries. I put all the food in the refrigerator, freezer, and cabinets. Now that that was done, I had to go talk to the lady about the building I'm trying to get. My appointment is at 4:00 and its about 30 minutes away. It's now 2:47 so I should get going.

I arrive at the place around 3:40. The woman was already there, so we started early. The place was really big, there was a lot of windows, and there was a whole second floor. I loved the place. This was about the 20th building I've looked at and this one seems to be my favorite. I think I'm going to take it. She wants $650 down, and then I'll pay her the rest of the money within a month or I could make payments until I pay off the building but I think i can just pay her the full amount within that month.

We made the deal on the building, and now it was mine. All i had to do now was get it decorated, hire some employees, and make this small company a multimillion dollar business.

I went back home to rest up a little before my photoshoot later tonight. Daya was sleeping, and Ques was in the room playing that stupid ass game. I took off my jumpsuit and went to lie in the bed with my t-shirt and panties on. Ques pulled my over on him, trying to cuddle and shit while he play the game but I wasn't feeling that. He was moving too much so i moved back to my side of the bed. I set my alarm for 6:30 before I took my nap.

When my alarm went off, i got up and Jacques was still playing that damn game. "Nigga, go eat. You act like a fuckin kid." I said to him as I went to the bathroom to pee. I through on some sweats and a tank with some pink flip flops to go to the photoshoot in. "I'll be back later." I told him before leaving.

When I arrived at the photoshoot, they had me immediately change into wardrobe and have my hair and makeup done so that they could get the perfect sunset photos. It all seemed to go so fast because they had to get all there shots in before the sun went down completely. It was over within an hour. I was happy because now I could go back home and go to sleep. I haven't told Jacques about New York yet. I don't think he will want me to go but his opinion doesn't matter.

When i got back home, he was actually sleeping. The house was dark and quiet so I tried not to make a lot of noise but Jacques is a really light sleeper. He heard me when I walked in the room. I took off my clothes and cuddled up with him and we both fell asleep together.

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