I found him.

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Today, is the day I finally get my dad back, the day I get to go home to my family. I smiled at the thought of going home, To be back with my family. It is the last week of school and I have the 6th class, we get to do what we want because we finished all our test in this class. Right now I am doodling, well I was actually in deep thought, but just looking off in the distance would make me seem weird and out of place, and I know what you are thinking "Wait, hold on. She is a robot how is she at school, She is a fucking robot." and my answer is that I'm a special Prime, My great, great, great, great, great Grandma was able to turn into a human and turn other robots into humans also. I learnt to control this at a young age. But, yea that why I am in school, I have blending in for the last year trying to find my dad. After school I am going to the towns old theater and there I will get my dad and we will come home. I looked at my doodle and I saw a picture of my necklace that my dad gave to me before I left, my dad said that it was the symbol for women Prime. I don't get the 4 ,but I never take it off. The other doodle was a picture of Bee, He was doing a dance and he had one arm up and the other one on the hip, Hu I guess im missing the team more than I realize. Well that was going to end soon. Tessa said "Hey Luna, what are you so happy about." I smiled even bigger and said "well, I found something that belonged to my dad and when I get it, I get to see some old, but close friends." She said "that's great, send me pics." I said "of course, I just have to go pick it up this afternoon and I will go visit my friends and dad." Then Tessa said "your friends are in the army???" I told her that my dad was in the army, It was the best thing I could come up with what did you expect me to say "Hey my dads an Alien and im also one, want to be my friend and not give me to the popo." she then said "well do you want me to come." I said "no sorry, but I will call you later." with that the bell ringed.

 I picked up my books and mini backpack and I went to my locker. I put my books away and I grabbed my notebooks, That's were I doodle. I put my mini backpack, in my regular backpack. I pulled out my phone and I went threw my contacts I pressed one button that had a picture of my necklace on the contact. I was outside and I was walking home. I was all alone and I pressed it and I heard the high voice said "password, please or else." I heard this threw my Bluetooth. I whispered "Auto bots Roll out." Then a whole bunch of contacts pooped up, I looked over them.  They were all my friends, and friends I meant Robots friends, The 1st picture was my dad and me both in robot form, he was in his normal form, will I kina had his face but my body looked like Bees just blue and black, and yes I can change into a car. I turn into a blue and black mustang (picture above). I look at the next pic. and there was a picture of me and him both in human form. He had super light brown hair, it was almost blonde, but was still brown, and he had had a yellow shirt and a black leather  with one stripe going down one side and other stripe going down the other side, at the time I was wearing a dark blue sundress with a black belt. I had light brown hair,(not as light as bees, but normal light brown) and I had blonde highlights and I had some lip-gloss on and it was only because I was at Bee's birthday and I wanted to try to look ok. I pressed his contact and I heard it ring, I was smiling like crazy and I was in my apartment. It picked up and I heard him say "Hello, who is this." I sighed and said "bee, Its Luna, Luna Prime." He said "really, what's the password." I could hear the hint of joy in his voice." I smiled and said "Auto bots ROLL OUT." He laughed and said "so it really is you, where are why haven't you called, when are you coming home, are you ok."  I said "ok, it really is me, I haven't called because of the risk of the humans tracking me, Im fine and about the last." He said "Luna, when are you coming home?!?!?!" He sounded scared of what I was about to say. I said "well Bee, I think I found my dad, im picking him up today and I should be at the place within a week." He said "REALLY." and the song Happy started to play. I giggled and said "Yes, Bee im coming Home."

Hey guys I just wanted to say that I am really exited for this book, I have had this idea stuck in my head for a week and I am trying to do something new so why not transformers. I hope you like it so far, I would right more, but I have to get off my computer at one point and well my mom said "12" and it getting really close and I have to add some stuff, so next one will be longer. so bye peeps.

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