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hello people, I am so excited because I only have 3 parts and already have 55 readers from 3 different countries, I am so happy. now I am from America and a girl (guess how old I am in the bottom if you can) and I know some people say things differently like it took me 2 years and to ask my bff what Kibble is (I don't think British people eat that, am I right) and I have these things where I can see which country a percent of my readers are from and well im not a stalker and I don't see what state or province ( I don't know what the things in Brittan are called, I have no idea sorry, god save the queen (I saw that in movies and if I affined you I am so sorry.) so I am so glad that you guys are liking my story and I am considering putting one of my readers in the story later, and the reason I am being wired and stuff is because I would love and I need feedback on my stories. So have fun people and as I said to my best guy friend today "land of the free because of the brave" It is an American thing, love ya guys (not in wired way) keep reading see ya later Peeps.

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