Part two: Gone

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Grace ran as far into Hyrule field as her feet could carry her. It was dark and she knew monsters would be lurking around. Even with Ganondorf waiting for her to get back with the ocarina. if his monsters killed her. They would bring it back with them. She knew it. Her thoughts were shaken out of her by a bony hand gripping onto her ankle. She knew as the sound of cracking bones and a slight tug that she would need to get to castle town soon. Or stop at the ranch. A thought crashed into her like a brick wall and she stopped running. Look to the right she could see the ranch lights in the distance. Pulling out the ocarina and fumbling to play the song link had so many times. She stumbles back and the instrument slipped from her fingers as she let out a yell, as another arm came from the ground. It pushed its cracking body from the ground but thundering hoofs were faster. In a flash of brown and gold grace grabbed the ocarina once again and jumped onto the horse. Happy that she was headed twords the ranch at a wicked pace. Her happiness was short lived though, as she reached the gates she felt a strange energy. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong.

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