Breaking up(Scott)

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Your POV

I waited patiently for the fifth night in a row for Scott to show up at my house. We had planned a movie night for Saturday but he couldn't make it. We kept on changing it to the next day. So here I am today, curled up on my couch waiting for the knock on my door I had been waiting for. Blankets surrounded each side of me along with pillows. When we have movie nights, it consists of several movies until daybreak.

I began watching random show on, not caring what I was watching and holding onto the tiny shred of hope I had left. My eyes began to close and I finally allowed them to. No point in holding it back, he wasn't going to show up anyway. I couldn't fall asleep though, just close my eyes. It was annoying, but I went with it. I hoped I would eventually sleep.

I heard my front door open and someone taking off their shoes. They padded their way over to the couch. I rolled over and found Scott staring down at me, eyes full of regret.

"You're late...again." I said and sat up. He took a seat by me and pulled me to his chest.

"I know and I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He kissed the top of my head.

"That's what you said all the other times." I stated, just wanting sleep now.

"There are perfectly good reasons for it." He said and began stroking my hair calmly.

"Then tell me." I pulled away from him, looking straight into his eyes.

"I can't. You won't be safe." I just rolled my eyes.

"That's a stupid excuse." I said and stood up, becoming furious.

"It's true!" He said, raising his voice and standing up with me.

"Well just tell me!" I said, raising my voice with him.

He began explaining things about werewolves and all these other supernatural creatures.

"You need help." I stated and began to walk upstairs to my room. Good thing my parents were out of town and I was an only child.

"I can prove it!" He said, grabbing my wrist.

"I'm sure you can." I roll my eyes and look at him.

He stands there, silent for a moment. Then puts on his concentration face, one that I would've found adorable under different circumstances. His ears grew, he gained more hair everywhere, he glowed red eyes at me, and finally opened his mouth to reveal fangs. I looked at him, not sure what to think. He quickly went back to normal and hung his head down in shame.
"I'm a monster...I know. I didn't want you to see me like that. But it was all I had. I couldn't handle us breaking up." He said quietly, focusing on his shoes only.

I walked up to him and cupped his face with my hands. I brought his face up to mine, we were only inches apart. Sadness was clear in his eyes and I hated it.

"You're not a monster. You're far from one. And I don't care what you look like. I love you, not your looks." I said and kissed him. He kissed back.

"You sure you don't love my looks?" He asked, smirking.

"Ok, I love all of your looks and you." I said and he kissed me once more.

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