Chap. 3||Two Wrongs

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"Because I'm not mad Ethan, I don't understand why we're still on this topic?"

"I'd actually believe you if you haven't been camping out here for the past eight days, ten hours and minutes."


"Pepper, you need to go home. End of discussion. This is not me kicking you out because you know you're always welcomed here but not under these circumstances and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!"

"I don't!"

"You've never been this angry or distant from Davey and I'm not saying you're wrong but I don't like it." my best friend whined.

This is where I give in and break down and say he's right and applaud in our best friend telepathy skills but for once, he was wrong. Not completely off but he was wrong. I wasn't angry at all, I'm actually feeling quite calm. My feelings towards my brother were none of anger; just disappointment, annoyance, irritation so I thought a bit of distance would do us both some good.

"Can you try and understand why I need this."




"Well to bad, unless you're gonna lift me out of this bed and take me back home you're out of luck."

"I won't have to, Davids outside and I packed your duffle bag last night now get out."


My glare stuck to Ethans face was getting more intense by the mili-second. I was a breath away from snapping his neck as I made my way over to the window to actually inspect if his words were and if the were Ethan was a dead man walking.

I pulled open the curtain; no David in sight which made me all the more angry.

"Ethan Jared Wilfred!!" I turned my attention to the calm boy tying his shoe laces in the corner at peace with the world.

"Yes Mia."

My response was on it's way before he continued.

"Look, your reaction alone just now shows something's up. Maybe you're not angry, maybe you're just hurt but you can't ignore him forever Pepper, and you know that. A conversation is gonna be needed sooner or later but I highly suggest you get it over with before it blows into something unnecessary."

I stayed silent plopping back down on his bed playing with my nails. This is why he's my best friend. Everyone deserves an Ethan. Go get you one.

"I gotta go" he said throwing his messenger bag over his shoulder "my shift starts in a bit but we'll talk later, love ya." he said before leaving the room. Just me and my thoughts.


As the bus came to a stop; I paid the bus driver and came off of the bus with a few other people who I guess had reached their destination .

Oddly but expected, Ethan strikes again showering me in his ever needed wisdom which I guess I needed at the moment.

I've said it and I'll say it again. My brother is my rock and always will be and regardless of not always seeing eye to eye my love doesn't change but that also doesn't mean I'm not supposed to feel.

I crossed the street and made my way past a few buildings and stores until I found where I was looking for and where I knew David would be. Jimmy's. It's a gym or in others words something that meant a lot to him other than me.

Pushing through the metal doors, I immediately scanned the open area or persons working out trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of David and I did so for five minutes without luck. I decided to stay for a while maybe he'd pop up or some thing but after a full fifteen minutes of waiting I decided to leave.

Halfway out the door I was stopped by a tap on my shoulder.

"If you're looking for David, he's upstairs" a soft voice spoke as I turned to find a tall, lanky looking guy standing behind me. Very handsome if you asked me but he had nothing on Blake.

And there goes my stalker senses comparing two guys I don't know.

Taking in his features, his face seems very familiar but I just can't pin point where I've seen him before.

A soft chuckle brought me back to my current situation and out of my thoughts.

"Um, sorry. I was just thinking if I've met you before?" I asked and another chuckle left his lips.

"Weird, loner, quiet guy in your high school graduating class." and ladies let me tell you I literally gasped out of shock.


"And she remembers" he replies with a laugh.

But all i could do was look and stare. The quiet, too cool for school guy, who barely ever talked with horrible bangs was standing before me looking like he literally walked out of a GQ Magazine. His appearance was totally... different, not that it was bad before or anything before minus the bangs but still. Damn.

"Are you sure!"

This really had him laughing but he gave me a simple nod.

"Come on, I'll show you where he is."

I followed him to the back of the gym where there was a short flight of stairs. WE mad small talk about, school and what were doing with our lives now and he was actually pretty chill and easy to talk to.

We got to the second floor of the of the building where there was even more gym equipment and a few individuals scattered about working out. When did they expand? I haven't been down here in a while but still, all of this happened.

"Thanks, maybe we can meet sometimes alright. Don't be a stranger." I said to him as we went our separate ways.

"I won't" he gave me a cute smile, nothing flirty and then walked away to where he was going.

I did a quick scan over to see if i could spot David and I did in the corner doing some bench presses.

Making my way over to where he was; scenarios of how our conversation was gonna go flipped through my head making me slightly nervous but it was now or never.

How did Dante know David anyway?

Making my way to where David was, scenarios of how our conversation was gonna turn quickly flashed through my head, but it was now or never right?


He sat up from where he was bench pressing where a 'we really need to talk about this shit ASAP' silence soon followed.

"We need to talk" David prompted.

No shit.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) Tell me what you think.

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