Chap. 4|| And Here You Are... Again

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Hey guys, here's a new chappie for ya, Hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 4

"That's exactly the problem Davey, you don't get it!!"

This was as civil as this conversation was gonna get, full stop.

After the awkward silence and intense stare down, we talked which led to us arguing which therefore to my annoyance and now we here we are once again... in silence.

"Why can't you see I'm just doing this to protect you?" he spoke softly.

David had this issue if you haven't noticed as yet. He's very, very, Very stubborn. He has it stuck in his head that I don't understand and maybe I don't have all the fine details of why he acts as he does all summed up in a PowerPoint Presentation but I actually do understand why he does what he does and I know it's only out of love but... Does it even matter? It's like everything I say goes into one ear and out the next!

I picked up my bag that I threw on the floor deciding that our conversation was going absolutely nowhere and that was completely on David's behalf.

"You can't protect me from everything David... You just can't."

I took my leave after that not wanting to wait for his response which may lead to use having another disagreement. I paid attention to my phone screen scrolling through my Instagram feed as I made various twists and turns to get to the exit of the second floor of the building.

He still wasn't trying to see my half of the story and that's what was irritating me the most. His logic was 'my way or no way'. I knew he was only looking out for me but it felt like he was suffocating me; making me feel like this fragile little girl that would under the slightest of pressure, like im not strong enough to care for myself. My anger was raising by the second, I just wanted to punch him in the thr-.

My thoughts were cut off as someone roughly bumped into my shoulder to which on instinct I lifted my head to see who it was only to be captivated by those familiar hazel eyes. My eyes stayed locked with his for a second and I could see anger etched on his face and his body tense but he easily turned away making his way to wherever he was planning to go.

Not even a sorry!

Dragging my eyes away from his retreating figure, I made my way back down the flight of stairs and out of an eventful day at Jimmy's. Dante, David and now Blake!


"So Davids still an ass, Dante glo'ed up and you saw your future husband who has serious anger problems" Ethan recapped our conversation.

After leaving Jimmy's, Eth messaged saying lets meet up at our local diner (Sally's Place) so I said what a better time to spill the tea on what happened today over a lovely pepperoni pizza.

"Pretty much and he's not my future husband... I just like looking at him and stuff" I said feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Exactly so he's your future husband."


"Fine, but still. Let David be, he'll come around."

"I'm sure he will, hopefully it not when I'm six feet under."

"Dramatic much, what are you doing tonight anyway?" Ethan questioned shoving the last piece of pizza down his throat, the animal he is.

"Whatever you'r doing babe."

"Well my darling, I'll be doing Cassie in an hour or two but by all means feel free to join." I could literally feel the bile rising in my throat. Disgusting little shit.

"Cassie deserves better!" I grumbled staring at the boy who somehow earned the title of my best friend.

"Unless she's gonna date God after this; I'm as good as it gets baby."

"Either way, thanks for the offer but I'll have to decline. I need to got to the store to pick a few things anyway, so after that I'll just go home and chill."

"Aight, but your missing out on all this goodness babe."

"I'm sure."

We stayed maybe a half hour later just talking until Ethan had to go and we said our goodbyes before going separate ways.


I threw a random pack of some chocolate bites into the small basket and made my way to the cashier. It was only me in the store oddly but you could say it was getting late out but I really wanted to get this out of the way instead of waiting until later in the week when I'd be busy.

I unpacked my few things now in my cart knowing my card has been feeling quite abused as of lately but damn it I work hard. I have had no chill on my wallet.

Having to rush back to get some pads , I was now to the back of the store looking for the isle that supposed to have all those things but it's like it disappeared. How convenient. 

Finally finding the isle; I picked up some always pads and a pack of liners as well making a rush back to the cashier who probably thought I was lost for how long I'd been away where I found myself head to chest... (and barely bec into someone. We weren't touching but we were practically a breath away from each other.

I lifted my head wondering who this tall stranger was and you guessed it. Blake. Again. Our eyes stayed locked with each others and I found myself trying to soak up his handsome features. This is practically the first time I'm seeing face to face other than earlier today.Even though I have seen him fight, I've never seen him up close to see his features clearly. It was  a situation of me being here and him being about 30 yards away. No longer angry, his features were calm. 

Barely getting to look at him properly , he stepped away but stayed in front of me. He wore a plain white tee-shirt and some black sweat pants and yes I did stare but quickly looked away. My eyes trailed back up to his where he still stood staring at me and into my soul.

"Uhhh, I'm s-sorry. Excuse me" I said before running away. Yes running away clutching the box of pads and liners to my chest. 

Blake who I could barely see every other month shows up twice in one day to bless me with his presence. On a Monday... of all days. What the hell is happening.

I quickly paid for my items and made my way out of the store before I willingly went back to stare at him and without shame at that.

I crossed the street standing under the bus shed hoping I didn't miss the bus or I was screwed. Today really has been an eventful day!

I could see where Blake exited the building taking in his figure from a distance, stalker style but my moment was cut short as his eyes seemingly instinctively met mine as he looked at me as if he knew something I didn't though his features stayed neutral. I could feel my heart rate pick up and my cheeks heat up but I still held his stare until the bus pulled up a few seconds later.

Taking a deep breath once I was finally seated on the vacant bus. I was ready to get home already, today was more exhausted than anticipated. My thoughts soon drifted to the hazel eyed man who unknowingly has my attention.

What is it about you Blake King?


Here's another chapter for you guys hoped you enjoyed. Comment and let me know your thoughts! :) _Ashley

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