Chapter 1

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Hello im Kisa and today was the most boring day, actually everyday is! High school sucks! All i did was doodle on my papers until the bell rang to see my best friend Rin. I know he is a boy but boys and girls can be just friends! Everyone in my grade always teases me and Rin of dating but we are not, even though he is sweet,funny, and he has the most gorgeous hair and eyes ever he is so kawaii! Anyway after the bell rang i ran right up to him and said "I am glad to see my best friend after our summer vacation! So what should we do to hang out?" I know that was already to carried away after not seeing eachother for 2 months but I missed him. Right when he was about to answer Kasuma (the most reble boy in school that every girl likes except me) came by on his skateboard in the hall  handed both me and Rin invitations to a high school party at his house this week. But me and Rin both said "Im okay I don't do parties." Kasuma said "Come on you two love birds need a chance to hang out!" "WE ARE NOT DATING!" We both yelled. "See! you two talk at the same time!" Kasuma said. "Come to my party."  Me and Rin both sighed and said "Fine!" we looked at each other cuz we both always talked at the same time and said the same things. After Kasuma left on his skateboard Rin said "We should get some sushi after school." "OK." I said and smiled. We had to get to our other classes and said our goodbyes and great news my next class was social studies! The most thing I hate! Instead of listening I opened the invitation and it read "Come to my party! There will be karaoke and dancing! It is dated on wed. Feb 10th at 12:30 at midnight until 5:30 in the morning. Make sure to bring your own drugs! Peace out Kasuma!"That is tomorrow and I do not want to go to a party with drugs! H*ll no! Maybe i would go to dance but that's it plus Kasuma is making us go! The teacher called on me and said "What is mmmbbbh?" I couldn't hear what she said and i said "Uhhh....I..dunno?"  The teacher yelled at me and said "PAY ATTENTION OR ELSE YOU WILL GET DETENTION FOR FIVE DAYS!!!!!"  I ignored her and just said "mm k." The bell rang for that class and school was over. Right after we were excused I ran right up to Rin and hugged him and Miki Rose, Kasuma's girlfriend came across and said "Love Birds!" I think I am the one making people think we are dating from the hugging but i cant help it Rin smells like flowers. I said "Shut the h*ll up!" to Miki and she just shrugged. Me and Rin went to Sushi Koi the Sushi place right by my house and i love their sushi no wondor Sushi Koi means Sushi love! We ate a lot of sushi and Rin dropped me off at home i gave him a tight hug and he hugged me back for the first time i was blushing like CRAZZYYY!!!!! I went inside my house and went to sleep. Tomroow is the party so i better get to sleep. 


Part 2 is coming and that is when they are at the party! By the way please don't kill me if this story sucks i am not a good writer! ^_^ Touka out!

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