Chapter 3

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I didn't really want to go to school after what happened last night. I can't believe me and Rin even kissed and if i see him i don't know what to do, he made the move on me anyway. I got ready put on my school uniform and put my hair in a pony tail with the blue bow. I walked to school but Rin wasn't waiting for me like he usually does. I went in the school searching for him and I saw him by his locker just sitting there and sighing.He looked like he was thinking, was he thinking about what happened last night? I walked up to him and asked "What are you doing?" He just looked at me and walked away, I started to grow tears in my eyes as i followed him and he ignored me. Then I yelled "PLEASE TALK TO ME!!" He turned around and faced me and said right to my face "I do not feel like talking to you!" Then he started walking away, I still followed him and said "Why don't you want to talk to me?" I started crying because i didn't want to lose him. "Look, I am sorry but please don't follow me or talk to me leave now!" he said. I ran away crying in front of everyone until i bumped into my sister Masami. "Hey sis, what's wrong i was just heading to class what happened?" She asked. "Rin is**hole!" I cried. "Why? you to are best friends what happened?" she said while hugging me. "We..." I didn't finish my sentence. "You guys what? You aren't pregnant are you?!" She said. "H*ll no! Don't even think that! We kissed!" I yelled. "OMG! You guys kissed?! she said. "Yes and now he won't even look at me." I whined. "Look sis, sometimes boys are total jerk heads and when you and your best friend kiss it can ruin things." She explained. I just cried and walked away and my sister looked like she had an idea but hopefully she doesn't do anything to Rin. I went into the bathroom and wiped my eyes and then went to the worst class of all science but not just because i hate the subject its because Rin is in that class.I walked thorugh the door and the teacher asked "Why are you late Mrs.Shimizu?" "None of your buisness Mr.Hanks!" I said. "Do not ever talk to a teacher like that again! This is a warning Mrs.Shimizu!" He yelled. I just ignored him and sat down right next to Rin and this is how we met on the first day of school in this class sitting next to each other. He didn't look at me once, maybe on the corner of his eye but not all the way. I passed him a note that read "Why won't you talk to me?!" and the teacher saw. The teacher snatched the note and read it out loud, somebody shouted "Ooohh the lovebirds broke up!" and I just sat there embarresed while Rin sat there like he didn't give a crap. The bell rang and class was over Rin tried to rush out before me but i ran up behind him and grabbed his hand and turned him around, but he yanked away before i could say anything.He walked fastley away and did not know i was following him and he went up to a girl she had black hair,green eyes,and was wearing a tummy shirt! And the worst part SHE KISSED HIM!I don't know if she just did it or if he wanted her to. Rin turned around and saw me watching and I started tearing up again. I ran away and he chased after me this time and why would he? He hates me! I ran outside and hid behind the school and cried until I heard footsteps and I stopped crying and was quiet. Rin popped out around the corner and saw me "Hey! there you are now I want to talk." He said.  "Wow! now you do?!" I yelled. "Let me explain!" He begged. I let him because i could never stay mad at him so I listened. "I don't like her she kissed me! and I been ignoring you because I never knew what to say and I know I seemed to mean but I was just WAAYY to nervous,because I really like you Kisa! The girl who kissed me is an old friend who likes me!" He explained. I didn't know if he was telling the truth but i believed him because he never lied to me. "Really or are you lying?" I said. "Just trust me!" He said. I did and he kissed me again! The girl in the tummy shirt saw us kissing and she gasped and got furious and right in front of me Rin said to her "BYE B**CH!" Rin held his arm around me and we walked back into school even though school was pretty much over. The bell rang and he walked me home we talked this time and Rin said "So are we a couple now?" "I guess." I said and smiled. We kissed again and I was home. I went inside and watched him leave and went to bed. 'Let's see what will happen tommorrow.' I thought to myself and closed my eyes.


This one is not that good but hoped you liked it! Plz don't kill me! Touka out! ^_^

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