Chapter Thirteen

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It's been about 4 months since Corissa was born and today my parents were meeting her. I asked my brother to join us for comfort purposes.

"Do you want anything?" Drew asked.

"Can you just keep an eye out for mom and dad." He nodded.

I was sitting near Niall who was holding Corissa. She started crying due to being hungry.

"Here I'll go make her bottle." Niall said giving her to me placing a kiss on my forehead.

The knock on the door made me jump a little. Drew and I looked at each other. I hadn't seen my parents since I moved out. Which was a little of a year ago.

"Mom dad." Drew said as he opened the door.

Corissa's cried grew louder as Niall approached with her bottle.

"Thank you babe." I said placing the bottle in her mouth.

"Vanessa." My mother spoke.

"Hi mom, hi dad." I smiled at them.

"Hello sweetheart." My father kissed my forehead.

"This is her? She's beautiful honey. Congrats to both of you." My dad said.

"Would you like to hold her?" Niall asked my father.

"You Irish?" My mother said.

"Yes mam." He smiled.

"I'd love to hold her if you don't mind."

"Of course dad. Just don't let the bottle go. She'll freak out."

"You did the same thing." He laughed. He was in awe as he held the small child in his arms. He slowly took the bottle from her mouth as she finished and she smiled at him.

I gasped as a smile crossed my mothers face.

"Mom would you like to hold her?" I looked over at Niall and he smiled.

"If you don't mind." I nodded. My father gave Corissa to my mom.

"She's gorgeous. You'll have to let us take her for a visit sometime." My mom smiled then there was a knock on the door.

"I got it." I got up from the couch.

I opened the door to find Harry, Liam, and Louis.

"Hey guys where Zayn?" I looked around maybe he was in the car.

"That's why we're here. He was shot. He didn't make it." Harry said with a deep tone.

"Oh my god." I covered my mouth with my hands and went into Harry's chest and cried for a moment.

"Come in go into Niall office I'll send him in there." I said when I pulled away.

I entered the living room with puffy eyes and the boys behind me.

"Niall the boys need to speak with you in your office."

"Baby what's wrong." He questioned me.

"Niall just go with them." He nodded and led them to his office.

"Honey what happened?" My father asked.

"A close friend of ours passed away." I sniffled.

"Oh I'm so sorry Vanessa." My parents said in sync.

"It's ok I guess." I shrugged.

"Well we have to get going but we'll see you later." They handed Corissa to Drew and said they're good byes.


"I just can't believe he's dead." I said to Niall.

"I know it's a hard thought to process." He said pulling me into his chest.

"I'm so tired."

"Me too. Good night Vanessa. I love you."

"Good night Niall, I love you."

So I figured I'll update more since I'm getting more reads!!! Don't forget share on social media and vote!! And if you think I should make any changes with anything just comment.

All the love xxx K

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