Chapter Eighteen

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It's been three months since Logan was born, and it's been amazing. Everything is going right. Niall and my's wedding is next week and I'm having my last dress fitting tomorrow. Sofia is maid of honor, Gemma and Lottie are bridesmaids. Niall choose to have 4 best men, Harry, Liam, Louis, and my brother Drew. Which made me really happy. Corissa is the flower girl and Logan is the ring barrier. Which he's just gonna be pulled in a wagon by Corissa.

"Is that good?" My thoughts were interrupted by Niall walking in on the phone. I smiled at him. He hung the phone up and laid next to me.

"Hey." I kissed him.

"Hi." He sighed.

"Hey what's wrong ?"

"I'm just stressed with work and stuff."

"Oh ok." He seemed annoyed so I left him in the room alone. I took Logan from his crib and Corissa followed me to the living room. I turned the tv on to find someone weird show she likes.

Just as she was about to fall asleep Logan starts crying.

God damn it child I thought. I ran to the kitchen with him as fast as possible and grabbed his binky. I placed it in his mouth and he stopped crying. Corissa stood in her slumber.

"Oh Logan." I said rocking him side to side.

"Mmmmmm." He made sounds as he drifted to sleep. I was so tired and I really wanted to take a nap. So I put Logan in his play pen and Corissa on one couch and me on other.

Suddenly loud footsteps came from the upstairs then down the stairs.

"Babe I have to go, I'll be home soon love you." He called out.

"Love you." I whispered. I then called my brother over not wanting to be alone.

I had a feeling Niall was in trouble, and I had to do something.

This was super short but I need to keep you updated. School is killing me but I'll try.

All the love x. K

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