Scott x bull rideing reader Part 2

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As you get onto your bull and a boy with orange hair  and a white thank top catch your eye "GO PAPY"as he cheers for the man that recently fell off they relce your bull as you held on and 20 scents after you go flying off your bull into that boys arms "hey PAPY who needs fishing trips when I've already got the catch of the day" "hey I'm Scott"you giggle as the blood runs down your cheack "(y/n)"as she ignored the pain he smiles at you as the fall asleep "huh?"you woke up at a farm house with Scott at your bedside "I was worried so your parents let me go to your place to make sure you where safe"he kisses your cheack"you tast like dirt"as you giggle and you kiss his"you take like sidewalk"as you smile at each other and cuddle

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