Geoff x shy reader Part 10

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You sat in the back of the party because lashana told you to you sat their quietly intill a cute boy with only a jacket and shorts with blond hair and a weird hat came up to you."hey hot stuff what are you doing over here?"you stayed quiet and he helped you up "I'm Geoff"you made a little smile at him "I'm (y/n) nice to meet you Geoff"he gave me a piece of paper so I put it in my bag he dragged me to the dance floor it was so much fun

~time skip brought to you by allyhandroes flirting~

"Thank you Geoff I've had so much fun"he gave me a bag his hat was gone he seid he had multiple hats but I looked in the bag with the note

"Hey (y/n) here's my lucky hat for a lucky girl I love you ever since I spotted you in math class thank you for being the best girl I've ever meet~Geoff"

Me:AHHHHH FINALY done meh fingers hur

Bridgett:what r u doing?


Me:I can explain

Bridgett:just.....just leve Jessie

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