Chapter 11- The Awakening

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"Mom, it's the weekend. Do you really expect me to actually have something productive to do with my time instead of lying around all day?" Nicole plops herself down on the sofa and drapes her arms across the pillow behind her head.

"That's just it Nicole. You never do anything with the extra time you have when you're not at school or swim practice. I just think it would be a good idea for you to leave the house every once in a while," Her mother gives her a big-eyed glare as she walks by the living room with a basket of clean laundry held at her side.

Nicole sighs and closes her eyes. She feels a vibration in her pocket. Must be Amanda, she thinks. She pulls out her phone and sees that she has a new message from Mr. Cumberbatch.

Message from Mr. Cumberbatch:
I was hoping we could meet today to finish our session that ended so abruptly. I was thinking around noon? 😊
"Oh, right! I totally forgot we never finished our first meeting," Nicole says quietly to herself. "And did he seriously add an emoji to his text?" A smile forms at the corner of her mouth from thinking how adorable he actually was.

She begins typing back a response,

Message to Mr. Cumberbatch:
Sounds good! At the school right?

Nicole waits patiently for him to respond. Her phone lights up in her hand a minute later. That was quick, she thinks.

Message from Mr. Cumberbatch:
I actually thought we could meet at the café downtown to get a bite to eat since we will be meeting around lunch, if that would be okay with you of course...

"Is he asking me to get food with him? That seems a little odd. Although, I guess it will be fine." Her finger lingers above the send button.
Message to Mr. Cumberbatch:
Okay, see you there.

"Mom, Looks like I'll have something to do with my life after all!" Nicole shouts.

She looks up at the clock on the wall and sees that the little hand is almost to 11. "Crap, what am I going to wear?!" She panics. Knowing that she's limited on time and needs some nice looking clothes, she grabs her purse and runs out the door screaming goodbye to her mom. She starts her car and backs out of the driveway preparing to drive 15 minutes to Amanda's house for a compete wardrobe change. Amanda is the only person she ever trusts for outfit advice. She doesn't even trust her own mother.


"Amanda? Are you awake?" Nicole yells as she opens the front door of her house. Amanda's mom had given her an extra key to their house so she could be there to help Amanda out at anytime that she needed anything. She's currently on bed rest and is incapable of doing simple tasks for herself. Nicole knows she can get away with inviting herself over unexpected like this because it was Saturday; the only day of the week Amanda's mom is always sure to be working.

"Yeah, I'm upstairs," a faint voice echoes from the hallway by the staircase.

Nicole runs up and opens the first door on the left.

"Hey," Nicole says heaving over out of breath.

"Hey, Nicole, what's up?" Amanda pulls herself up against her headboard. She looks like she had been resting all day.

Nicole takes a seat in the armchair next to the bed.

"I have another meeting with Mr. Cumberbatch at noon for the assistant position he elected me for and I have absolutely nothing to wear." She glances down at the pj's she was wearing. She has on a Sherlock top, and she's wearing bottoms that have "221b" written all over it.

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