"Command & Control"

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In the boat shed....

"Nothing Rachel said was true, was it?" The man said to Sam & Callen "No." Callen replied "Was her name even Rachel? So what happens now?" The man asked looking at Callen and Sam "You go to jail. Let's go, loverboy. Keep it movin'. He's all yours." Sam said "Everything I said to you, I meant it. Everything was real." He replied to Kensi "Not for me." Kensi said as he was taken away "You good?" Callen asked "I'm great." Kensi answered "Man fell hard for you." Callen said "The man was also funding domestic terrorism. And plus, you know what, the-the whole billionaire thing, kind of getting old." Kensi explained "Mmm. I'm sure." Deeks said looking at Kensi "You know, perfect clothes, perfect car, perfect food. It's like, Ugh. Too much." Kensi continued "Amen to that." Deeks replied "I like things with flaws." Kensi finished "Yeah, well, that's no secret." Callen said "Easy, tiger." Deeks mentioned (chuckles) "We've been grinding on this case for two days straight. Time for some chow and some shut-eye." Callen said him and Sam walked out.

"Amen to that. Best idea ever." Deeks said to Kensi "All right. Well, I think I have to get out of this dress. It makes me nervous to wear it. He spent $3,000 on this dress." Kensi explained "What? It sounds like you're saying $3,000." He said "Mm-hmm. It's a Balmain. You got to pay to play, baby." Kensi said "We should take it to Melrose, hock it for a hundo." Deeks said to Kensi with a smirky smile on his face "Ha, ha. Then you can explain to Hetty why it never showed up in wardrobe." Kensi replied both walking out of the boat shed.

After a huge undercover op the team had the day off Kensi & Deeks made the most of it having breakfast at Deeks' new place.....

(sizzling) (whistles) "I will not lie-- that dress is a work of art, but it is not even in the same league as this T-shirt." Kensi said coming down from the stairs "Well, yeah, and that T-shirt is actually much more, uh" Deeks said to kens "Much more what?" Kens asked "Much more you." Deeks replied "Aw, thank you." Kens replied "You ready for this? Breakfast is served. I know it's not brunch at the Soho House, but it's gonna have to do. Don't tick Please don't tickle me. Please don't tickle me." Deeks asked as he was carrying the food to the table as he had Kens' arms around him "Get in there." Deeks said as he pulled the chair out for her "Okay. Oh, thank you. Ah, I love your frittatas. They are the best. Okay. Mmm. Just perfect." Kensi said "Yeah." Deeks said sipping his coffee "You're not still thinking about my undercover op, are you?" Kens asked picking some fruit "No. Well, no, maybe. A little. Guy's a douche." Deeks said to her eating some fruit "Now he's a douche in jail." She replied "I don't care about him." He replied "Well, good. Cause you shouldn't." Kens answered

"I was actually just thinking about the fact that you spent the last week in a world where money was no object. You know me. I could care less about money, whether it be cars or clothes or watches. I don't It doesn't matter to me." Deeks explained "But?" Kens asked (sighs) "But, um I don't know. Sometimes I think, you know, maybe I want to get those things for you. And, listen, I-I love my job. You know how much I love my job. But I realized this week that I I'm-I'm never gonna have that kind of money." Deeks explained to Kens "I'm here. With you." She replied "Yeah, no. I know that you're here with me. I'm just saying that, you know, and then" Deeks said being cut off by.....

"And then nothing. I've dated guys with money, Deeks. Lots of money. Like plane money." Kensi explained "Plane money? Like a Cessna or like a" Deeks tried to say "It doesn't matter. This is all I've ever wanted, Deeks. Even before I met you, this is exactly how I wanted to feel. I don't care where I have breakfast. As long as you're there." Kensi said to her lovely boyfriend "Come here." Deeks asked as they kissed "What?" Kensi said "I love that T-shirt." Deeks replied "Me, too." Kens said kissing again trying not to break apart (chuckles) (phones vibrating, ringing) "I'm not gonna look at that." Deeks said eating fruit "Oh, I think you should." Kensi said looking at her phone "Son of a Can you grab me some shoes? I'll put these in the car." Deeks said carrying the food into the kitchen "Yeah. Mmm." Kensi replied getting up from the table.

At the park interviewing suspects.....

"Hey. So, one of the moms over there said she saw Callen and Sam speaking to a guy on the swings." Kensi said "By the swings?" Deeks said trying to correct her "No, no. On the swings. As in swinging. All right. Not much of a description but she did say that it was a white male, light-colored jacket and jeans." Kensi explained "That is fantastic. That narrows it down to half of Los Angeles. Precisely." Deeks said "Got to be honest, this guy was thinking. Even if Sam and Callen could get a shot off, they're not gonna take it. There's too many kids." Kensi said to him "Yeah, but they still would have tried to take him down. Which means if they didn't, he probably had backup. Or another target wired to blow." Deeks says "Maybe Eric was able to track them from here." Kensi answers "Hey, so out of curiosity, what do you think of this neighbourhood?" Deeks asked "It's fine." She replied "Cause there's this house for sale around the corner. Could be perfect for" Deeks said as he was gut off

"Uh, perfect for what? I don't think you and I need to be thinking about buying something right now." Kensi said "No, no, no, no, no. Perfect for flipping. It's a house to flip." Deeks explained to her "What do you know about flipping a house?" She asked "A lot. I got a season pass to Flip or Flop." Deeks said (laughs) "Seriously?" Kensi said "No, I've studied all their moves. Pretty much, you always make a profit." Replied Deeks "That's 'cause they're pros. That's what they do for a living." Kensi answered "Yeah, but I've watched 30 episodes. I've taken copious notes. I have the money in my savings. Now is the time, baby. We got to make a move now." Deeks said

"Whoa, whoa. Come here. Come here, come here. Wait a minute, wait a minute. If you want to use your savings to flip a house, I'm all for it. I will support you. But if this is about getting rich or some primal need to lavish me with jewels, I don't want to be a part of it." Kensi explained "Lavish you with jewels?  Not everything's got to be about you." Deeks replied to her "I just want to flip houses. I just want to make that money. I want to get that paper. Baby, so what do you think, huh? Pooling together our money? Flipping a house, you and I? It would be a" Deeks asks "A terrible idea." Kensi said "If by "terrible," you mean "amazing" and you're in. I'm glad we talked about this. I really feel better." Deeks said getting into the car.

At the gun range.....

"At this point, why even go to bed, you know? I feel like if I just keep moving, I'll be fine. Ooh, I have a good idea. Let's go grab burgers, Double-double, animal style. My treat. Who's with me?" Deeks suggested to Kensi and Nell "You know they make animal-style fries, too?" Kensi said "Of course I do." Deeks replied "Nell, what do you think? A little dooble, doo-ble in your future?" Kensi asked "I think that sounds fun." She replied "Awesome. You okay?" Kensi asked her "Yeah." Nell replied "You sure?" Kensi double checked

"Hey, how about we grab Eric on the way out?" Nell asked "That's a fantastic idea. It gives us an opportunity to talk to him about our house-flipping business." Deeks said "No! No, Deeks! No, this is not our business, and I am not letting you pillage my savings for this." Kensi said to him "Oh, that's a shame because my house-flipping business is gonna take the world by storm. (grunts) All right? It's gonna be a TV show. Me and Monte take over the world." Deeks says to the girls as they walk out of the gun range.

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