Chapter 3

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I adjust the blazer that was to big for my liking, I had to borrow it off Luke and as Luke is taller than me, it is to long and baggy on me

I grab my bag before walking out the door

I have decided to leave earlier and walk today because the buses fuck about where I live and they are never on time

I take a brisk walk towards the building and I pass a cute coffee shop

Well I know where I'm going on my coffee break

I get to the building and I walk into the reception

"Hi I'm here to see Mr Hood" I say

"Ahhh yes, Michael is it?" She asks, I nod

"Mr Hood asked me to get your ID card sorted out so you can go anywhere in the building, follow me" she says getting out of her chair and leading me into a room

"Sit on that chair" she gestures for me to sit down, I do so

She takes a picture of me

"I will get this put on a card come and collect it in your coffee break later, go straight up to Mr Hood's office, be warned he is not in the best of mood's today" she says

"I never caught your name" I say to the girl

"I'm Cassie" she putting her hand out to me, I shake it

"Nice to meet you, see you later" I said before going to the lift

As the lift shots up to the top floor I gather my thoughts

I hope he doesn't have me doing some shit jobs

I exit the lift and I go to Mr Hood's office and knock

"COME IN!" I hear an angry voice shout

Oh shit.....

I slowly open the door and I see Mr Hood stood looking out one of the glass pains in his massive Windows with his back to me

"I'm here for my first day of work sir" I say

"Yes Michael, you will be helping me today, I am going to be directing a photo shoot and I am going to need you where I can see you" Mr Hood says as he turns toward me

I feel very intimidated by Mr Hood even when he is looking at me

"Follow me" he says walking towards the office door

I throw my bag down and I follow him out the door, we get into the lift

"Right here's a list of my rules for you working for me" he says handing me a piece of paper

Rules for working with Mr Hood

1) Don't talk back

2) Don't be cheeky

3) Always be open with me

4) Don't get in the way of my work

I look up from the list

"Those rules are no negotiation" he says as we exit the lift

I nod in agreement, I don't want to argue with him when he is in a bad mood

"I also have other stuff to disgusts with you but your not ready to know about that yet" he says before turning the corner and going into a room

I close the door behind me and I see a massive photoshoot being set up

I stand behind Mr Hood

"Right I want the models dressed up and have make up on quick sticks" Mr Hood says waving his hands around, everyone gets to doing something

"Michael go and sit over there and just observe what is happening, you will also get a good view of the photoshoot" Mr Hood says before walking off

I sit down on a chair and pull out my phone

"RIGHT LETS GET STARTED!" I hear a voice shout

The lights go down and I look up

"I want the models stood close together, touching" I hear Mr Hood say

I see two boys walk towards the white background

Wait this is a gay photoshoot?!?!

The models get close and have smouldering looks on there faces towards the camera

"NOO IT LOOKS ALL WRONG!" Mr Hood shouts


I walk up to the models and I move there hands to where I need them to be

A few more pictures are taken

I groan and roll my eyes

I see Michael sat on the sidelines

"Michael come here" I say as I walk over to the models

He shyly walks over I put him in the place of one of the models and I move the other model out the way so I can't stand in his place

I pull Michael closer to me, part of his hair flopped over one of his eyes and he is looking down and from where I am looking it looks pretty sexy and I would love to be in a cover with him

"Take the photos" I say and I hear the photos being taken

The camera stops flashing and I pull away from Michael and I go and look at the photos

"Perfect I love them, Michael take your shirt off" I say taking my shirt off

"B-but sir" Michael stutters

I go closer to him and grab the hem of his shirt

"It's alright darling no one will judge you" I whisper contently to him

I help him pull his t-shirt over his head once he raises his arms for me

Once his t-shirt is removed, Michael stands there awkwardly with his arms covering his chest and stomach

I look at him and I grab his wrist

"Me and Michael are going to take 5 outside" I say taking him into the corridor

Once we are outside I look at him

"Darling tell me what's wrong? You look so awkward in there, especially when I took your t-shirt off" I say leaning against the wall

"I-I'm just not confident with my body and I am just uncomfortable in that situation" Michael says as he looks down

I go over to him and look him up and down

"Do you feel comfortable around me?" I ask

"I-I guess" he stutters again

I place a kiss on his neck and I can't help but suck a love bite on his innocent and untouched neck

I run a finger along his jaw

"Please trust me princess" I say before walking back into the photo shoot

Have to leave them wanting more....

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