Chapter 2: Are you following me?

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"I think she fell asleep" James said.
"No shit James" I said looking at James. I bent down and patted her on the shoulder. "Hey get up" her eyes slowly opened. When her eyes opened up she rubbed them."w-what" she said in a cute sleepy voice. I smiled "you fell a sleep?!" I said helping her stand up. The plane was emptying fast. "Shit!" She said still a bit sleepy. "Sorry" she said as we moved back to let her take down her bag.

"Thanks guys I owe you one" she said as we walked off the plane.
"No problem" I said.
"While my name is Madison and you guys saved my butt" she said dragging her suit case behind her.
"I am Kendall and this is.." I said until she interrupted me. "i know who you guys are" she said. we looked at her.
"your one half of the big time rush quartet" she said.
"while, it was nice meeting you but i really have to get going" she said.
"okay see ya..i think" we walked up to the exit of the airport we walked out into the cool paris winter.
she got into the cab infront of ours.
"bye james bye kendall" she waved as the driver put her luggage in the back while she got in and shut the cab door.
me and james didnt say anything we just waved. we waited until the cab drove off into the snowy mist.
me and james got into our cab our cab driver put our luggage and drove off in the same direction Madison's cab drove. i could stop thinking of her i dont now why WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! "dude are you okay?" james said starring at me. "huh yeah i am fine thanks james and i am sorry if i yelled at you in the plane" i said with a weak smile. james reached out his hand and messed my my hair in a swift motion. "its okay dude i already said sorry so do i have to say it again?!" i laughed "no" i said between laughing. james laughed with me. "so do you like her?" james said after our laughter died down. "james thats stupid why would i like a girl that i literally just met? i dont even now her last name!" james raised his eyebrow.

~~~~Madison's pov~~~~
i was at the register seeing if there was a room available at this amazing hotel.
"bonjour madame how may i assist you" the receptionist asked.
"i was wondering if there was a room available here" i said a bit nervous.
"yes ofcourse we have three rooms left that have not been reserved would you like suite with one bedroom, a bathroom and a joint kitchen and living room" she asks.
"yes please that would be perfect" i replied.
"your an american yes?" she asked in her french accent.
"yes i am from new york but i went to L.A for a few days" i replied moving my hair out of my face.
"while you are very polite" she said with i smile.
"merci!" i said laughing.
"ok fill out this form and you are good to go" she said as she handed me the form.
"thank you" i said as she handed me a pen.

after signing the form i handed it to the receptionist and a young man came to grab my luggage. i turned around to thank him and they came in the manager went to greet james and kendall.
"its great to have one half of the amazing big time rush" kendall shook the managers hand. i stood there in disbelief. kendall moved his hair out of his eyes and looked up at me.

------Kendalls pov ------
i stood there starring and so did she. man came and carried or bags upstairs. "dude snap out of it whats wrong with you" james said waving his hand in front of me face. i turned james head to face Madison. he stood there in shock just like me.
"sir .... sir the elevator is this way" me and james got snapped out of our thoughts. and i guess Madison did too cause she was walking to the elevator. we followed behind. as we got on she said "are you guys following me?" she didnt look at us but we looked at her.
"NO!" we both said at the same time.
"but isn't it cool that we live in the same hotel?" james pointed out.
"yeah i guess but i am only here for three days" Madison said.
"oh we're here for four days" i said. madison smile at me.
"while heres my stop" she said as she got out.
we got out too.

~~~~Madison's pov~~~~
i looked back
"you have got to be kidding me" i said looking up to the ceiling in disbelief. i walked down the hall.
"so have you ever to paris before?" Kendall asked.
"yeah a bunch of times but this trip wasn't planned for me it was planned for my best friend but she had family issues so she could come"
"oh" Kendall said.
"yeah" i said putting a small frown on my face.
"so do you speak French?" james asked.
"oui. Parlez-vous français?"
"un peu" kendall said james nodded.
"heres my stop" i said as i slide the key card into the card slide thingy. a green light flashed followed by a click. james and kendall stopped right at the door next to mine. "ofcourse" i said dragging my bag into my room and shutting the door.

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