Chapter 12: Looking back

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1 year and three months later

----Kendall's pov----
"You have to go to the wedding Kendall" my dad said through the phone
"But dad I can't go back to Paris"
"Cause you promised a girl you would stay away from her! It's been one year Kendall. forget it! She probably has!"
"Dad I can't!"
"You know, I don't care but you are going to your cousins wedding. On Monday" he hung up the phone probably so he won't hear me complain
I have remembered that night with Madison now and then and just smile  at how much fun we had.But there is no way we can see each other again

~~~~Madison's pov~~~~

"Mom where's my jean jacket!" I yelled from upstairs
"Mom!!" No response
I ran downstairs I looked around and found a note on the bulletin board on the kitchen fridge.

'At movie shoot be back at 8:00'

Great! i looked around for my jacket, downstairs in the hall closet.
Yes! Found it.
I put it on along with my Gucci sunglasses and walked out to a beautiful summer breeze.
It was Saturday so no going to work today.
I decided to go for a stroll in the park.
I loved to jog here to clear my mind and just get some exercise but not today.
Today I was going to see if he was here.
I have been watching this guy to come to the park with his friends for awhile now and well I really like him. We bumped into each other well jogging and he is really sweet.
He reminds me of Kendall. The guy I spent a whole night with.
I remember that night sometimes and smile at how much fun we had. But there is no way we can see each other again.

Anyway that guy I was telling you about is Jasper Hunt. Super awesome but I have never had the guts to talk to him. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend or not.

I crouched behind a bush outlining the basket ball court. Jasper and his friends were playing basketball. Jasper is a really good player.
"Excuse me miss" I was pulled way from my thoughts to see and old lady standing over me "would you please direct me to the restroom"
"Sure" i hopped up with a smile I said "go down this path and turn left and on your right you will see the restrooms. You can't miss it"
"Thank you so much you know I am American and your the only one that looks American to me so I thought I would ask you" I looked down at my feet and smiled I wonder why she isn't walking away. I looked up to see her staring at they guys at the basketball court. Her eyes foucused on jasper
"He isn't right for you. True love will show up and your doorstep"she said and walked away.
What did she mean?
Did she read that off a fortune cookie or something? I didn't care. I went back to my snooping!

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