It's Not Easy

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It's a pretty hard thing
It's not easy living on your own
All of the things that you used to do
If they're done now, well they're done by you

The last thing I remembered was Keith helping me into a cab, telling the driver my address and then just darkness. So imagine my surprise when I woke up in my bed dressed in a t-shirt, perfectly well, besides my headache, a disgusting taste in my mouth and some sickening feeling in my stomach. I looked like hell, but with a shower, a bit of makeup and some teeth brushing, I nearly looked human again and was still good in time to go to work.

I went to the kitchen and tried calling Mary, but didn't really expect her to pick up and she didn't. I brewed some tea and enjoyed some toast. I didn't want to strain my stomach too much, so I just ate a tad and still I felt pretty low. I purred me a glass of whiskey and hoped that this would at least get me going. At any rate it wouldn't worsen my hangover. I drowned it in one go and shuddered. I didn't usually drink in the morning, but sometimes it wasn't so bad to get you through the day.

I was just about to clean the kitchen when I heard a noise from the living room. I was a bit surprised. I lived on my own and didn't even own a pet, due to my wonderful gift working on animals as well. So what could have made the noise? Carefully I walked into the living room, where I saw the back of a man and I nearly screamed. He wasn't wearing much besides his underwear. He stretched like he had just gotten up and I just stood there dumbly observing him until I realised who he was and I started laughing. He turned around and looked questioning at me.

"Sorry I thought you were a burglar or something and then seeing you in your underpants just I don't know. I think I'm still somewhat drunk."

He laughed. "What so wrong with a burglar who breaks in in just his underpants? If he likes it, so why not?"

I laughed. "Maybe. Anyway you didn't have to stay here for the night or you could have taken the bed. I believe I was so out I wouldn't have minded sleeping on the floor."

"Especially because you were so out, I thought it would be nicer to wake up in the bed, at least if I'm drunk I prefer waking up in my bed than some random place I don't even know how I ended up there in the first place." I smiled. "And I couldn't just leave you on your own... That would have been really low."

"Thanks that was really nice of you."

He laughed. "You're welcome. We're not as bad as the tabloids make us look and in all honestly believe me when I say that I wished someone would put me to bed if I was out of it instead of drawing on my face or something..."

I laughed. "I would really like to thank you in some way, but I've got to go to work now. There's tea and some toast in the kitchen if you want something."

"We've got a show this weekend, you could come around with your friend, maybe?"

"You want me to go to your concert as a thank you gift?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I know we are not the Beatles, but if I may say so, we are pretty good."

"I didn't mean it like that, it just doesn't feel much as a thanks if you offer me free concerts cards."

He shrugged. "Well you can always invite me out for something to eat or to drink, if that's better."

I nodded. "But not now. I really have to go. See you."

I took my purse, my coat, put my shoes on and practically run to work. My small talk with Keith had taken more time up than I presumed and I was running late. My boss was pretty laid back, but he had an unhealthy punctuality fascination and with that I mean he rather had someone feeling up a corpse than being 5 minutes late. In other words whatever you did, don't be late.

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