The gift that just keeps on giving

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Cynphony had been through a lot in her life and she's seen things she really wish she hadn't..But some how Deangelo being cooped up in a hospital bed made her feel a different type of uneasiness.

"Deangelo honey, do you have any idea on who might've want to hurt you?" Their mom spoke extremely upset that her son was lying up in the hospital.

"You mean kill mom? No I don't know who'd wanna cap my black ass." Deangelo hissed.

"Deangelo please tell me you don't think Eminem had anything to do with this." Cynphony hoped that her brother wasn't stupid enough to think that her boss was after him.

"Who else would wanna cap me? I gave that little white boy hell, now he's some big shot sitting up in his mansion probably figuring out ways to bump me off." He continued ignoring the crazed looks his family was sending him.

"Deangelo I swear your the gift that just keeps on giving." Mama said shaking her head.

A doctor and a police officer came in shortly and of course Deangelo gave his incredibly long theory on how Eminem tried to kill him. Cynphony knew good and well that the police officer was finding his story hard to believe and told us that if they found out who might've did the shooting they'd get back with us.

"Cynphony can i have a word with you?" Her mom spoke pulling her out of the room into the hallway.

"What's going on mom?" She asked worried about what she way about to say.

"Do you think Carolina's disappearance had anything to do with Deangelo getting shot?" She frowned searching her daughter for an answer.

"I don't know.." She truthfully responded keeping that message she received in the back of her mind.

"It just seems odd that Carolina would disappear and then Deangelo would get shot.." Her mother wandered. 

She agreed it did sound fishy but she couldn't really put any puzzles together until she spoke with some people and figure out who sent her that text.

"Look mama I gotta go, tell Deangelo i'll see him later." She spoke rushing down the hall.

She quickly took out her phone and dialed Justin's number but to her shock the number was dis connected.

Cynphony had known Justin for years and he never went without a phone I mean how else was he supposed to gossip besides going door from door?

She began sprinting towards the parking lot and went to the nearest bus stop to Avondale St. She finally got on the bus and sat down realizing there was only a couple of people on there other than her.

She tried dialing Justin's number again and she got the same busy signal as before.

She knew this was not good.

As soon as the bus got to her stop she jumped off and ran all the way to his house hoping that he was okay.

She saw his house and ran faster until she reached the door. "Justin!" She yelled banging on the door waiting for him to answer.

When he didn't she knocked harder. "JUSTIN THIS ISN'T FUNNY OPEN THE DOOR!" She yelled.

Suddenly the door flew open and she lost her balance hitting the ground. She quickly got up coming face to face with Justin?

"Justin?" She questioned then was relieved to see that he was perfectly fine.

"Cynphony, girl what in the world you doing banging on my door this time of night!?" He asked irritated he got woken up from his sleep.

"Justin why is your phone disconnected?" She said giving him a hug.

"Because i'm tired of people blowing my phone up for the latest gossip, I might love to talk but I got a life too, the windows at little ceasars ain't gone clean themselves." He said sounding annoyed.

Like most of us our jobs sucked, but hey it's better than nothing.

"Well you had me worried, I thought something awful happened to you, Justin, Deangelo got shot." She informed seeing his face light up in shock.

"Fo real?" He exclaimed grabbing his cell phone and immediately began typing away.

"Justin what are you doing?" She asked trying to look at his phone.

"What do you think? Updating my Facebook everybody gotta know this." He said continuing to type.

"Justin, my brother just got shot and Carolina's missing not to mention the creepy text I got." She blurted immediately regretting it when she saw the look on his face.

"What message?" He asked immediately stopping his typing.

"It's nothing really, just some stupid text from some wannabe gangsters." She assured.

"Let me see." He insisted.

She took out her phone and showed him the text. He didn't say nothing for a while but she could tell he was thinking.

"Cynphony, this is bad." He said suddenly.

"What who sent it?" She asked suddenly feeling the uneasiness coming back.

"This is a message from the free world, I know because there's only one person stupid enough to text in poems." He explained. "His names Clarence but he goes by
Papa Doc also the leader of free world and a record lable called Double Shot." He said.

"Double shot, that sounds familiar." She said trying to remember where she heard that name.

"There a tiny record company that use to exist down there on 6 mile but closed down to a mass shooting that took place." Justin informed. 

"Right, I remember now Deangelo use to take me up there after school some times to perform in rap battles." She spoke remembering how she would always stand off to the side while everyone else rapped.

"Yeah and like I said Marcus's brother is good friends with Papa Doc his name is Lil T also known as Tyeese..he probably knows what happened to Carolina and Marcus and there coming after you to make sure you don't say nothing."

"But if Carolina's in trouble I have to do something she's practically my sister!" She announced.

"Like what?" Justin asked crossing his arms waiting for her to come up with an answer.

"I have no idea.."


Hey sorry with the slow update i caught a cold :( Anyway I got a new cover for the book as well as the cast for this story so if you like check that out and thanks for the patience and again I apologize for the tardiness. :p

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