"Okay, Phase Two."

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"You can't expect me to go back down there again." Teddy exclaimed to Claire. They sat on the beach of whatever ocean.
"We didn't even finish our mission. We can't go back empty handed." Claire argued.
Teddy sighed. "But I nearly died down there. We both did. If they find out that we're down there still trying to figure out what caused the Toxites return, they'll drown us for sure. No one will find our bodies, we'll be bloated-"
"Stop!" Claire shrieked. "Just stop! Your always so graphic that it's making me paranoid! There's no excuse, we need to go back. We have to!" Claire said. "And I have a plan."
Teddy gulped.

Teddy stared through the door to his flooded room, watching the Sweepers.
"I don't understand. His unconscious body should be in here." Teddy grit his teeth with a twinge of fear. These guys were gruesome, not afraid to admit anything, like he had earlier. As they started to turn, Teddy gasped and quickly swam into a I closed room. They passed into Claire's room and didn't notice him. Teddy started to swim out of the enclosed room when Claire came flying down the hall. She turned off her brush and stopped next to him.
"Okay, Phase Two. I need to get into one of their labs. You know what you need to do, right?" Claire explained. "Are you sure you can do this?" She asked him sincerely. Teddy stared at her and slowly nodded. "Okay. I'm gonna go, stay safe." With that she turned on the toilet brush and sped away. Teddy swallowed and swam out of the room he was hiding in and stopped outside the door frame to Claire's room.
"I just don't get it. How are they gone?" A Sweeper questioned aloud. Teddy took a steadying breath then let it out, calming his beating heart.
I can do this. If I need it, I can put my mask back on. There's no need to worry. I just need to stall them long enough for Claire to find what we need.
Taking a deep breath, Teddy removed his mask and placed it in one of his belt pockets. Gripping the door handle, he slammed it shut and then began stroking the other direction. Throwing open the door, Sweepers floated out of the room and looked at Teddy.
"After him! He won't survive long!" One of them shouted and they all gave chase. Teddy stroked harder and searched for the hall with the underwater current. At last he heard the unbearably, recognizable sound of water pounding down a hallway.
Teddy finally saw it, just ahead. He glanced behind him to see the Sweepers hot on his tail. Facing forwards again, Teddy braced himself as he was sucked into the speeding current.
Immediately Teddy was thrown in all different directions, spinning head over heels through the raging river. He couldn't tell which way was up or down. After gaining some control, Teddy's lungs were clenching for air. Hastily reaching into a pouch, Teddy pulled out the mask. Right as he put it on, fingers suctioned onto Teddy's arms, holding him bound. He turned to see a pair of menacing Sweeper eyes in front of his face. Teddy fought and pulled in the Sweepers grasp but his suctioned fingers held firm.
"Let me go!" Teddy yelled, struggling against the Sweeper. The Sweepers grip was like stone. Teddy squirmed and fought as hard as he could. The Sweeper growled and reached up to Teddy's throat and squeezed. Teddys hands immediately went to the Sweepers meaty arms as he gasped and gurgled, trying to escape. All he did was smile.
"That mask doesn't help you too much now, does it?" He asked wickedly, holding Teddy firmly. Teddy glanced around, his vision flickering. The Sweeper continued laughing.
"Any second now." He pressed, holding Teddy closer, staring into his red face. Teddy grit his teeth, and reached into his janitorial belt. Searching recklessly, he pulled out a latex glove and put it on. Immediately, Teddy easily slipped out of the Sweepers grip and pushed away with his legs. Gasping and coughing, Teddy held a hand to his throat, sucking in grately.
"Get him!" The Sweeper shouted, recovered. Teddy turned to face the Sweeper and again, slammed right into the wall. The Sweepers followed soon after, Teddy dog-piled underneath. Lucky for him, his coveralls were zipped up all the way, preventing him from getting his bones cracked in two. As Teddy tried to slip out from under the Sweepers, one of them ripped his glove off his hand, immobilizing him. Then his mask started to fill with water.
No! No! No! This is going all wrong! What's wrong with my mask?
Reaching up, Teddy's fingers suddenly slipped underneath his masked area. In the way Teddy was shoved against the wall, his mask was lifted up, letting water in. Pulling out his fingers, Teddy took a weak breath as water filled his mask completely.
Glancing around, Teddy saw a clear spot for his getaway. If he could just slip through the Sweepers arms-
"Alright, enough games!" A Sweeper yelled. Pressing away from the others, the Sweeper quickly grabbed Teddy by his shirt before he could get away and looked him in the eyes. "How did you and you sister survive?"
Coughing, Teddy rasped defiantly, "I'll never tell you."
"Oh really?" He sneered. Teddy gulped and reached into his belt. Seeing what he was doing, the Sweeper gripped Teddys hand, and then ripped off his mask.
What is with these guys and ripping stuff off?
Struggling, Teddy somehow managed to grab pinches of vac dust and threw them at the Sweepers. Losing his grip on Teddy, the Sweeper was thrown to the floor along with the others.
Remebering the air pocket, Teddy stroked upwards and then sat treading water.
"When is Claire gonna be done?" He wondered aloud. As if on cue, Claire came rushing down the hallway and slammed into the Sweepers. Once she recovered, Teddy shouted, "Claire! Up here!" Glancing upwards, she spotted him and stroked to the surface.
"Where's your mask?" Claire asked, slightly annoyed.
"Down there," Teddy pointed at the Sweeper. Claire rolled her eyes after following his gaze.
"What is your deal with losing masks?" Claire complained. "Do I need to get it for you?"
"No!" Teddy protested. "They keep ripping it off!"
"And that's my fault?" Claire complained. Teddy rolled his eyes. "Just get down there before the de-vac and start functioning again."
Teddy sighed. "Alright, alright." Just then, something suctioned onto his ankle. Tweets eyes widened.
"What?" Claire asked.
"You know what, nevermind." Teddy said fearfully.
"What?" Claire questioned, frustrated.
"They already have." With that, the Sweeper yanked Teddy down below the surface. Claire followed soon after. Teddy looked into the bulging eyes of the Sweeper who had taken his mask. It was clutched in between his suction cup fingers.
"What're you gonna do now, boy? Your sister isn't here to help you now." The Sweeper cackled.
Lungs already screaming, Teddy glanced at Claire. She was being held by two Sweepers. Luckily, her mask was on and she was breathing fine. But she had a worried look in her eyes.
"Teddy!" She shrieked. Alarmed, one of the Sweepers slapped a hand over her mask, silencing her.
"If you don't shut up, your gonna suffer the same fate as your brother!" He screamed at her. She avoided eye contact and looked at Teddy longingly.
Okay, I am sick of these Sweepers. Time to give them what they deserve.
Swinging his free leg, Teddy struck the Sweeper holding Claire, quickly followed by the other. Rubbing her wrists in disgust, Claire pinched some vac dust in between her fingers in both hands and shot it at the Sweepers beside her. They quickly suctioned to the floor. Glancing at the Sweeper with Teddys white mask, he swung a fist towards his face. The Sweeper easily dodged, considering they were underwater, and caught his closed hand. Unnoticed, Claire threw a pinch of vac dust at his back, quickly sucking him to the floor.
Still holding him fast, Teddy went down with the Sweeper, face allined with the floor. Struggling all he could, Teddy kicked and swung at his pursuer but he was suctioned to the floor. Clutching the mask, Teddy desperately pulled and pulled but it wouldn't budge. Claire came to his aid and pulled as well, gripping the mask.
Teddy was ready to give up. His arms were tired. His lungs were clenching for oxygen and he didn't even know if Claire had gotten the information they needed. His hope was fading fast and his vision was again dimming. He barely noticed Claire yank the mask free. Slowly, his eyes closed and his mouth dropped open. Then Claire was nimbly placing the mask over his mouth. When he didnt respond, Claire shook his shoulders.
"Teddy! Breath in!" She cried, her voice hitched. Mind barely
functioning, he cracked opened his eyes and did as she asked. Immediately he could think properly. Gasping greater, Teddy coughed and racked, then held a hand to his throat.
"Teddy, your alright." Claire sobbed. She quickly embraced him. "Don't scare me like that, I thought you were going to drown," she fretted.
"So did I. That's like what, the third time I've nearly died?" Teddy teased, hugging her closer.
"Okay, are we ready to go?" Claire asked Teddy.
"Yes, let's get out of here for good."

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