Finding out

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The next day..
Ricky's POV
Getting ready for the day ahead thinking of all that we could do today, should I let Nate tell everyone about the engagement, or should We keep it a secret? Sitting
on the end of my bed waiting for case to wake up from his morning sleep I hear a knock on the door, I get up and go and answer it.
It's phoebe and ash.

Pheobe's POV
Ricky we need to talk, it's about brax.
I know you don't want to hear this but you need to know. So just listen to me ok.

Ricky's POV
Pheobe don't! I don't want to talk about him or even think of him. It's to hard just leave it pheobs. Im done with that part of my life don't bring it up again.

Ash's POV
Ricky stop! I should have told you this along time ago.

Ricky's POV
No ash you need to stop I don't want to talk about this I'm happy, you can't just come in here and stop me.

Pheobs POV
His alive Ric, Brax is alive. He faked his death to protect you.

Ricky screams "get out"

Ash's POV
Ricky you need to hear this

Ricky's POV
How long have you known how could have you done the to me!

Ash's POV
I knew since the day, after everything went wrong. I went back to the safe house and he was just there.

Ricky's POV
You watched me grieve you were there every time I needed someone and you knew the whole time.
Ricky screams "go" .

Ash's POV
Ric Brax is alive this changes everything.

Ricky POV
What does it change ash? It changes nothing. How could he have done this ? He just left me and thought I would get over him, well that's what happened. I'm over him ok. I'm with Nate and that's not going to change.

He knows about you and Nate and he is happy for you, he wanted you to get on with your life and he knew that would never happen while he was still around in jail. Brax going  was the best way to keep you safe, if Gunno knew Brax was still alive he would find away to come for you and case he did this to protect you Ric.

Ricky's POV
He knows about me and Nate *ricky turns around* I don't care ash get out, I could have protected  myself. I can't believe you kept this from me *screams* get out now.

Pheobs POV
Ricky I know this is hard to understand but just let us talk.

Ricky's POV
I don't want to talk I wnat you to leave.
*ash looks at pheobe and walks out and pheobe follows him*

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