Chapter 6

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Sonic's POV
I was running through and endless white hallway. There was nothing there and the only thing I heard was the soft tapping my shoes made as they hit the floor and my steady breathing as I continued to run.

I ran and ran until I came up to a dark silhouette standing in the middle of the hallway. I skidded to a stop and stared for a moment until my curiosity got the better of me.

I cautiously stepped towards the figure and scratched at my head. A problem was emerging though, the closer i got to the figure the weaker I felt. My brain was screaming at me and telling me to turn around and run but i ignored it and continued making my way to the strange thing.

I let out a small whimper as the pain in my legs grew worse, and worse with every approaching step to the figure.

My strong walk was now a slow, shaky, unsteady trudge as I finally made it to the strange dark silhouetted figure.

My knees began to shake and my legs felt like jelly when the figure emerged from the shadows and I saw his face.

My breath hitched and my heart stopped as I collapsed to my knees with a loud 'thud' and a wince as Dr. Valentine stood over me and laughed his maniacal laugh.

He reached down and grabbed me by quills and lifted me in the air like he always did," Time for your medicine!" He chuckled as he jabbed a large six inch needle into my legs earning a pained scream from me.

He then threw me onto a metal table where the leather straps seemed to come alive and attach themselves to me as they automatically wrapped themselves around my arms and legs and they burned me once they made contact with my skin.

I began to kick and cry. I begged and pleaded. Now matter what I did though it only seemed to make Dr. Valentine more eager to get started.

I halted all my movements when a single scientist emerged from the shadows into the light of the laboratory and stood next to Dr. Valentine.

I could tell it was a male but nothing else since his face was covered in a white bandana looking thing, while his body was covered in the usual lab coat and proper clothing for operational purposes.

The unidentifiable scientist then made is way over to me carrying a metallic looking tray of torture devices with him.

He chuckled evilly as he set them down next to me on the table and finally got a good look at his eyes.

Those eyes... they seemed so terribly but yet also really familiar like I hadn't seem them ages.

The figured leaned over me to where his face was right in front of mine and I could feel his warm breath land on my face.

My eyes widened in horror when the scientist pulled down his bandana and I was final able to see his face. "Sc-Scourge?" I whimpered out in shock.

He chucked evilly as he leaned closer to where our noses were almost touching tears flooded my eyesight as he spoke six words that made my heart stop right there," Hello Sonikku did you miss me?"

I screamed out in terror as he clasped his hands around my neck and began to shack me back and forth screaming violently at me.

"Sonic?! Sonic! Sonic wake up!"

Shadow's POV
I calmly shook Sonic back and forth as I begged for him to wake up out of his drugged induced slumber.

He had awoken me from a small nap I was having next to his bedside, when I heard small whimpers and wines coming from him and noticed that his face and muzzle were covered in tears.

I was shocked out of my wits though when Sonic let out a high pitched scream as if he was being tortured. I began to shake him more violently as I begged for him to wake up.

"Sonic? Sonic! Sonic wake up!" His eyes suddenly shot opened and started at me for a while. He then unexpectedly again lunged forward and hugged me again, burying his face into my chest.

I wrapped my arms gently around his torso as he shook violently in my stern grasp. What shocked me the most was when he abruptly stopped what he doing flicked an ear, and then jumped out of my arms and hid under the bed.

I pondered on his strange behavior for a moment but suddenly realized why he did that when I heard the door to his room slam open and a bubbly nurse walked in pushing a breakfast cart.

I growled at her carefree, oblivious attitude as she stared at the bed with a confused look on her face.

"Ummm... Where is Mr. Hedgehog?" I face-palmed at her obnoxiousness and pointed under the bed. She gave me an another stupid confused looked and I face palmed again.

To show what I meant I got down on all four on the floor and coaxed the small hedgie out from his hiding place and into my arms.

"Oooooohhhh there he is why was he under there?!" The nurse chirped in a deafening tone that made me flinch and Sonic wince and sink further into my chest fur.

"Will you shut up already can't you see that your obnoxious behavior his scaring him?!? Why are you here anyways?" I growled as the nurse turned her attention from the shaking hedgie to a snarling me.

"Oh right! I came to give Mr. Hedgehog his breakfast and medication and also to tell you that he will be free to leave this afternoon but will need to be watched over since the doctors aren't quite sure of what exactly the conducted experiments did to him and of his state yet. Oh and speaking of medication..."

I was happy to hear that Sonic was finally being permitted to leave and watched as the nurse pulled a bottle of pills out of uniform and proceeded to take one out and pour a glass of water to go with it.

She then began to walk over to Sonic and tapped him on the shoulder," Mr. Hedgehog the doctor says that he needs you to take this before you leave it will help relive the pain and speed up your healing process."

Sonic slowly unglued his face from my chest and slowly turned his head to see what the nurse was offering him.

Once he finally got a glimpse of what the nurse was holding though i instantly felt his heart rate speed up and watched as his eyes dialed.

He then screamed in the nurse's face, which greatly shocked her, and began to kick and scream trying to run away and escape the grip I had on his body.

I managed to pull him into a embrace and began stroking his quills as he violently shook and sobbed in my arms. "Get that away from him!" I screamed at the nurse as I waved her and the pill away.

She immediately stood up and walked backwards out of the room leaving me alone to deal with a traumatized blue hedgehog.

I rocked him back and forth shushing him and reassuring him that everything was alright and that the medicine was gone and that he didn't have to take it.

We stayed there on the floor for about thirty minutes until I finally heard his crying being replaced with soft snores.

I sighed as I kissed his forehead," Don't worry Sonic I promise that I will find out what they did to you and make them pay and also no matter what they did to you I won't leave your side and I will help you get through this and become the Sonic that you use to be no matter how long it takes." I held him tighter into my arms and smirked when I heard a small almost inaudible purr coke from the depths of his throat.

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