Chapter 20

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Sonic's POV
(Before Shadow Arrives)

I woke up in a tarnished old cellar. My only source of light being the moon that shone from a small symmetrical square shaped window lined with three thick metal bars preventing my escape.

I sat up slowly and rubbed my head trying to focus my eyesight and get rid of the splitting headache I had right now.

I winced in pain when I managed to sit up all the way and my stomach started burning. I hunched over a bit and clutched my stomach rolling over on my side as the pain intensified.

'What did they do to me!? What was that green stuff in that syringe!?' I questioned in my head as I groaned and rolled over on my side and curled up in a ball.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing and calm down when I was interrupted by the sound of jingling keys and the click of the lock on my cell door being unlocked.

I tilted my head up when I heard the sound of approaching footsteps on the hard concrete floor and groaned even louder when I saw who it was.

"Why hello there blue have a good nap?" He asks as he squats down in front of me and looks at me.

I snarl at him, furious that i am unable to do anything else due to large amounts of slowly increasing pain I am forced to have to go through. " What did you to me!? If I'm messed up in any other ways then what I am no I swear I'll tear you to apart!" I growled as I talked straight out of my butt but I had to talk from somewhere.

I was truly sick of all of this and I needed to fight back. There is no one to here to save me now. I need to be my own man-er hedgehog and stand up for myself. So I put on the meanest face and the toughest face I could do all while nkt trying to pass out from all the pain surging through my body.

He grinned that disgusting smirk that made my stomach turn every time I saw it. " Yes Blue you get angry. Get raging mad for all I care it will just make things easier for me." He chuckled and stood back up and began walking towards the exit of cellar.

It was after he said that then I got confused. I had to know what he meant," W-What are you t-talking about? " I managed to get out in between gasps of breath as my tough guy act began to falter.

He chuckled as he stopped advancing to the door and turned back around acting surprised, " Why Blue, don't you understand what is going on? I was almost certain you of all the miserable low life creatures in this facility would know."

He then began walking back to me and bent over raising me up slightly off of the ground by my head quills so I had no choice but to look at his retched face.

" Well you disgusting blue pest as we speak a specially designed syrum is running through your veins right now transforming you into the ultimate weapon of destruction. You will fulfill the mission that your black and red counterpart failed to succeed in. How you may ask well its perfectly simple. You are designed to follow directions. My directions. You won't be able to hear anything but my won't see anything but what I want you to see... You won't feel anything except when I punish you for doing won't speak unless I am the one that is speaking to you... I will own you! "

With that he threw my head back down with loud smack. I sat up the best I could and looked at the floor showing absolutely no emotion. He grinned at me as he began to walk back to his room but stopped and glanced over his shoulder as he said one last thing.

"Oh and before I forget. We haven't been able to test this anyone to make sure that this stuff truly works so your first and only test shall be arriving momentarily."

Just as he said that another scientist ran into the room," Sir sir! Sorry to disturb but Shadow the Hedgehog has entered the facility."

My eyes widened in fear as I heard his name.' Shadow! I'm going to be fighting Shadow?! Wait... He came here? Does that mean that he really didn't mean all that stuff he said?'

My heart was racing, my head was aching, my stomach was on fire and I felt like I was on the edge of losing consciousness. I looked up with my fading eyesight to see Dr. Valentine smirking at me. " I am your God! " he said to me and then the world went black.

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